Can Erepublik actually refresh itself? [By N4zGuL]

Day 1,622, 04:12 Published in USA Greece by N4zGuL

Greetings dear readers,

Well it's been a while since i've written a proper - or you may say actually game related article - but apart from being constantly busy hmmmm there wasn't much to say for a game slowly falling apart either from improper equipment maintenance (oh my i feel ashamed for being in the top customer list while i hear the previous statement) or even worse moneyspending implementations aiming solely in milking players money (so lacking in respect towards all of us) and for sure focusing exclusively in war module.

But the latest implementation of the true patriot achievement and the massive positive reaction within the community refreshed my will to discuss actually ON the game and not for it.

Of course i strongly believe that again with the true patriot achievement there are several questions arising, but the amounts of cheap and easy to get golds would never allow me to state such thing without being laughed at.
To be precise my concerns were mainly deriving from the fact that in a scenario that encourages fighting for your citizenship country we would eventually see the impact in Global Wars thus meaning now it is for sure that larger (in population) countries will overkill their battles and most definitely that alliances will have to show tons of planning and discipline in their military deployment so to control damage and win battles for their non overpopulated countries and certainly their interests.

But since NO WAY there are things like bots and multies whos damage one can guide pretty easily i guess that the alliance that will achieve to control true patriot achievement fighters the most is probably more disciplined...more Botriotic or even has the military reflexes of an automated robot.

Today at least for this article thats not the case.
I will be positive and applaud maybe the first implementation of the admins for massive distribution (production) of gold and all the possible side effects in other modules i.e economy.

So with refference to this article.. written long ago by kloraq (damn dude so many articles lately you lame president 😛) and my comments at that time i kind of was motivated by the latest changes to submit a platform of suggestions.

My initial thought was to submit them through a ticket but this way i would pretty much be like the admins , you know NOT discussing with the community before changing the actual reason we are playing THE GAME itself.

So here are some thoughts i have managed to combine and share with some friends that hopefully you will find interesting and maybe even become the basis of future implementations.

I focus on the political module but i also include some ideas regarding media.

Most of us agree that it is well...DEAD.

Right now we have
-One unique (undefined) political orientation - system for all e-countries so the actual political orientation of parties is hmmm just for show off perhaps or even worse just to lure by labeling something left or nationalistic or totalitarian those who join carrying their rl political identity. But is actually the purpose or the distinction between a left or a conservative party?

My suggestion is
-Pretty much obvious. There should be a connection between the parties orientation and the governmental status of each country. Thus meaning CP , Congresss , and party members should combine their orientation with different attributes.
Well that i think might make the political involvement more interesting.
In example lets say a country has a totalitarian elected as president then this country would receive certain attributes (bonuses over production , fighting , economy , health , xp etc) during his or hers presidency.
Lets say for example the elected congress can actually debate with in game terms like you know a proper e-parliament and decide on the governments orientation ...i think that would make the politics more intersting and fun especially in case of a majority of congress not sharing the elected CP orientation.
Finally party members of certain political orientation should receive but this is NOT actually obligatory a different "reward" on their political choice. In example being a far left totalitarian could allow you to work with an additional percentage of productivity or something like that anyway.


Right now we have
-Well you know better! One decides to take over a party and with means sometimes illegit he or she manages to do it by just inviting his friends to the party the same day of election.
Of course hypothetically speaking this one or bunch can move even further and influence the congress elections or the presidential elections just by taking over a TOP 5 party.
I think that sucks.

My suggestion
-Why not protecting and at the same time raising the value of being a member of a party. Lets say in example that security standards have to be implemented to control these unscheduled inflows of members
One should not be voting for a party without being a member for a period of at least some days. Party president should have the ability to remove members and of course party members should be able to impeach the party president during his or hers presidency.
There even more things we could avoid this way lets say for example one congress member should be punished and removed from his party in case he or she proposes a law that does not reflect the party's opinion.
My guess is that no one agrees that the sole benefit of being elected as a party president is a somewhat ridiculous amount of experience eraned so i really believe that being a Party president should be rewarded just like CP or Congress.
The trial period for members (i.e one week) will give the necessary time for the party president or the candidates to check any acounts with tickets for multies. At least they can try of course 🙂

Congress and Cabinets

Right now:
Congresses and cabinets are amazingly underated. There is no actual judgement apart from bla bal bla of course on whether a congressman or a minister is actually contributing to the community that elected him.
Congress is not an actual ingame parliament apart from forums or chatrooms which by the way are not offered by the game itself but each country depends on their on private efforts.
Ministers and cabinets have no actual role i mean in a formal way apart from maybe handling some orgs (hmm) or publishing articles or again via chatrooms managing some damage or supplies when it comes to Ministries of Defence.

My suggestion:
I think that both roles should be enriched and of course combined with certain responsibilities.
In example to be a Country president today demands actually not to have a real life at all. Especially for powerful countries and organized communities and nations country presidency requires lack of sleep and 24/7 on line status. So what is actually the purpose of having ministers or vice presidents. Is it that difficult for each country president to be able to share responsibilities WHEN and IF he decides that he has to take a shower? or go to work? Since you want us to spend we need to work you know (no comments please on that 😃). Same things of course could be applied for specific ministries lets say in example MOD could be able to order an attack to a region.
I think that it would be also fair to gather the ministries and according of course to the orientation of each country pile them up and award them each time a country has elections for president.
So that way all countries can have a similar cabinet (ministries and responsibilities) and perhaps even reward someone for being appointed as one. Yes presidents would decide on that but they would also be responsible for their decisions. But apart from that i think it is fair to reward the time and effort ministers put on this game.
Same things apply for Congress. There is no parliament. One can be elected as congressman award some citizenships vote some laws get 5 gold and thats it. I think that bothministers and especially congress members should be monitored and of course motivated to perform for their countries. So what about extra salaries. In example each country will decide on a salary depending on their financial situation and at the end of their term a parliament or even better the PEOPLE can decide on whether to collect the monthly salary or not. Maybe even Gold reward for both ministers and congressmen should be awarded or in the same way (end of term not beggining).


-Right Now:
Well we got lots of elections lots of accounts but do we actually feel represented and respected not only from the Admins but from our parties and rulers? I think not.

My suggestion:
Especially the Bulgarian issue showed in a very intense way that REFFERENDUMS should be implemented. A congreesman with significant support (not necessary 50% of the congress) should be able to initiate a referrendum voting procedure for the people to decide. Same thing applys for Country presidents.
We ve seen refferendums by commenting aricles and i say ... SAY WHAT?
Refferendums should be controlled i mean in numbers (no more than a certain number of refferendums per term) but i think that they should exist officially . You know what you can also kind of control multies that way or just pray they do so since you could provide standards for voting in a refferendum (i.e being a party member or having a certain amount of experience or , being a citizen of that country for a period of time no less than a month perhaps).
Decisions made with refferendums should not be directly connected with the game flow but for sure people can decide on whether a NAtural Enemy is necessary or perhaps in which alliance they feel they belong to etc.


Political disputes can lead to wars.

-Right now:
The most intense fighting among political parties or interest is pretty much trolling each other. But since almost everybody can understand RL connection and has read some history i think this is kind of silly.

-My suggestion:
Well everybody knows or has heard about the request to implement CIVIL WAR. Yeah you heard me right there. More money perhaps for the admins more blooshed but also more fun! Especially in smaller ptoed countries where fractions could actually fight each other over power.
And by all means victorious fractions should decide on the orientation of the country like i mentioned before.
I mean can you just immagine the mess that something like that would create over alliances? It would certainly move a high percentage of interest from On going alliances battles to Small scale conflicts and vice versa.

I need to make clear here that of course NONE of the above would be possible or even fair and safe if counter multi account measures are not taken like Kloraq mentions in his article.

Some Additional Suggestions regarding MEDIA.

Mainly i focused in the political module you may add some ideas for other aspects of the game. I would like to mention just one more related to our newspapers.
What is the profit for making articles? NONE apart from votes subs and maybe a bit of teasing each other.
What is the revenue of having subs? 5 gold for each 1000 well i think that even some of the greates authors can achieve 5-6 maybe 7 but thats it.
My suggestion here is pretty simple. Ok you can reward 1000subs with 5 golds BUT reward preferably with 1 local currency each vote your article takes and each month provide the authors with additional currencies according to the subscribers they got. The money is not that much but it will motivate quality even humorous articles and of course persistent authors so more articles.

To conclude i think all the above would add some spice to our day to day logging in to the game. These are implementations that of course need tons of work from the owners (so i doubt they will move on with them) but also encourage all of us to play a game of wider interest. Nowadays the only competition among players is their budget or ability to cheat. Enriching some aspects of the game would both show respect towards all but widen as well the skills or you can say each ones attraction to that crappy but addictive Game.
For none of the above i am definite i am just proposing a platform of changes on how i would like this game to refresh it self. And with changes like these yes of course i would be patient and support them.
But then again history has shown that those who consulted the owners in the past probably do not love this game like all of us who bear with its fails.

I know it was long but honestly it was worth for me writting so i guess i hope who ever read that article feels the same.


P.S i have always wanted to write "by me" in an article of mine so that was the main reason i published that one 🙂