Camelot is Recruiting!

Day 525, 16:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Camelot Citadel
Camelot is Recruiting!

What is Camelot?

Camelot is a new military regiment founded independently to serve the British state around the world. We are not a mercenary group. We fight only for honour and for glory.

How does it work?

Camelot has an org which is outfitted with this newspaper and two companies. An iron company and a weapons company. Soldiers work in those companies and fight using the weapons provided. They will be paid 1GBP and be provided with free food and weapons, as well as the support of the company if needed.

How can I join?

You can sign up here. We only have 20 places so competition will be high. There is no need to apply if your manufacturing/land skill is lower than 5, or your strength under 7. We accept people of relatively low rank, but your chances will be better the higher you are.

So what do you intend to do?

We will start fighting on the 25th of May. We will fight mainly in Romania, where the organisation is based. However, when ordered we will move around the world to fight in many different wars.You will fight five times a day every day possible. Your rank will quickly rise and you will gain a sense of brotherhood with your fellow soldiers.

Is Camelot ideologically or politically committed to any position?

We are completely neutral, our only loyalty is to the British state, to which we are absolutely loyal. Although I am currently a party president I will be resigning from politics to push this forward. I will not be taking sides or giving favours. Please consider joining, and making a difference worldwide.

Iain Keers