Camelot: Britain Needs YOU

Day 530, 05:35 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Camelot Citadel
Fellow Brits,

Camelot is more than half way to full membership now, but there are still places left for citizens who want to help their country. If you have applied informally, but not actually signed up, remember to sign up here!

British men and women are fighting PEACE abroad!

Not everyone has the luxury of free lands. Our brothers in Australia and South Africa are under Peace occupation, and we can help them by taking the fight to Indonesia's strongholds in Asia. Join up now, and make a difference for your country!

Joining Requirements

Camelot isn't every man's army, it is for the best of the best. Although we know you are all loyal citizens, we need men and women over 7 strength and with over 5 skill in either Land or Manufacturing. If you have 5+ Skill in Land we especially want to hear from you! We need land workers to work our mines by day and fight the enemy by night! Strong miners will build a strong Britain!

sign up here!

But what If I am not yet strong enough?

Don't worry brothers, you can sign up for the Royal Navy today and gain the training and expertise you need to move into the elite regiments! Every bit counts, and it is not just our elite soldiers but the strength and solidarity of our brave troops which makes us great.

Camelot's wiki is now up!

Take a good look at that picture comrades, it is our new home. Podolia, in Romania, is a land of raw beauty and tough people. It is defended by a Q5 defence system, houses a Q5 hospital and has high iron resources. In short it is perfect for our needs. Over the coming months Podolia will become the new Camelot, as the prophecy dictates.

So, comrades. It is decision time. Do any of you feel like stepping up to the challenge and fighting abroad? Have been slowly building up your strength but never had the direction to use it? Well Camelot is recruiting, and Britain needs you now!