Calmed down.

Day 726, 18:55 Published in Canada Canada by danster9987

Things have returned to normal, orders are back to full strength, and the political/social controversy has calmed down, with a apology made by William Duncan and a Warm greeting by Acacia Mason in the same article.
It seems danster won't have to write another long opinionated article for awhile.
While eCanada has returned to a 'family like' stance, my opinion about the current Prime Ministers actions still have me disliking his tenure as our current Prime Minister.
But i will be keeping quiet about it.

On another note, I have begun looking into running a Q2 weapons business here in Canada!
Any tips would be appreciated, and thank you Fidela Fides for providing me with some tips in previous articles.
More info and more in a Future Edition of The Squee Report!