Calling on the American Spirit

Day 602, 15:34 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

America, we have a job to do.

The evil empire of PEACE has invaded. We face a tough test in the coming weeks. It will not be easy, but together we will prevail. The nations of PEACE have made a fatal error, they have awoken the sleeping giant that is America. Our country is large, but bigger is better. Which leads to why I am writing today.


That's right, advertisement. eRepublik has launched a new feature which we can use to benefit us tremendously. By using the personalized citizen link, we can drastically improve our numbers. Not only is it beneficial to America, it is for you as well. For every citizen that follows your link to eRepublik and reaches level six, you receive 5 gold. Imagine, if just 1,000 citizens do this and each of you are successful at bringing only one player in and up to level six, the net result is 5,000 gold in the pockets of America. We have over 15,000 citizens. America we can dramatically raise our population thus increasing our army, raising higher walls for battle, all while bolstering our economy and creating a powerful country. It's up to us America, lets grow our country into a colossus.

Click here for your personal link.

Once you have your link, sign into your Twitter, Facebook or MySpace accounts and spread the word. Send it in emails to your friends. Our country has one of the highest amounts of Internet connections in the world. Let's use this to our advantage! In a country of 300 million people, only about 15,000 use eRepublik. The possibilities are mind boggling. Add a message with your link explaining the benefits of being "born" into a Q5 hospital region. With just a few strokes on the keyboard and a few mouse clicks, you can put money in your pocket and help your nation in this time of war.

Hate to sound like a broken record here but:
Be sure to follow the President's paper closely as we will face attacks on multiple fronts. Be sure to fight smart and follow instructions from our leaders. Waiting until later in the day to fight also benefits our efforts. IF YOU ARE NOT IN FLORIDA, NEW JERSEY, OR KANSAS, move there immediately. Congressman Chris Stanwick of Alaska can be contacted for a free moving ticket if you are unable to buy one yourself.

Helpful links Direct your recruits to them!
The eUsa Welcoming Committee,7.0.html


Thanks for reading.
AMERICA FOREVER, FREEDOM FOR ALL. Let's push our enemies off our shores. Just as in real life, America goes the extra mile during times of war. It's what makes us great.
[Special thanks to my fellow eMarine, Guud Basher, for his input on this article!]
Joe DaSmoe