Call of duty

Day 1,554, 07:57 Published in Czech Republic North Macedonia by Leader of Scorpions

Frist i would like to thanks to everone who votes for me on PP elections. As you all knows for 4 days we will have Congres election so i've will try that i've promised in my campain to fulfill it!! So for those who plan to run the congres elections i've expect a program what they are planing to do in their mandate. I'll select the best representatives which will represnete our party on the next election!!
I am saing this to all All members and prospective members of Svobodny Anarchismus party
because I don't wanna players which will be part of congres and not to take active duty in it!!!
Seriously it's time to change this what happens now.
Therefore ask ourselves what can you do for the country rather than what it can do for you!!!
I would also like to say that approaching the presidential elections.
And I would invite all those who are interested to Race for presidential elections to begin now to prepare their campaigns. And to publish in yours newspapers.
Because shortly after congressman elections will choose the candidate.
I would like to take this opportunity to mention the possibility that we can support and any of the other candidates from the other two parties.
Surely you've noticed that I am the current nominated of our party. Therefore I would like to say that this decision is not final and that it was made by mistake.
I would ask all members of Svobodny Anarchismus party to declare its position on these two issues(it’s recommended to sended an ingame message to me). And the official position of the party will be announced later. I sincerely hope that all official decisions of the party will be respected by our party membership.
And for all those who read this article and are politically undecided. I invited you to join us.
From simple reason Svobodny Anarchismus party is a party with the greatest innovation and is available to all. Party in which everyone's voice is equal and where you are free to discuss for any issue.

sincerely yours
Leader of Scorpions