California or Bust!

Day 649, 20:27 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander
It is time America. Time to take back what is rightfully ours back from the imperialist PEACEniks.

Our nation has returned from the cusp of annihilation, where even the most stalwart of patriots fled. And not only have we endured, we have struck back. We have struck back with a fury unknown to the New World, until now. We have seen the consequences of slipping up, and we will do what we have to to make sure we never come that close again.

We will win this battle, and this war. It is simply what we must do. Failure cannot be considered. This will be the defining point of the war. Even if you cannot fight, you can still contribute to the war effort. Perhaps you donate to a friend, or even better, the 1st Armored Division. Or maybe you gift a friend to help them stay in the fight. And if you can fight, you have two options:

1. Fight once.
2. Gift 10 wellness.
3. Fight 5 times.
4. Heal.
5. Fight 6 times.
6. Wellness down to 40. If you buy Q5 food and you have a Q5 house your wellness will be at 51 on the next day.
7. Second day:
- Fight once.
- Heal.
- Gift 9 wellness.
- Fight 7 times.
That makes a total of 20 fights in a single battle without having to spend gold.If you buy Q5 food and you have a Q5 house

BERZERKER STYLE (for those strapped of resources):
Day 1 – Fight 5 times and Heal, Work and Train.
Day 2 – Fight 5 times, Heal, Work, Fight 5 more times, Train.
That's still a whopping 15 fights!

Dawn is breaking on an eUSA reborn , one that has finally risen above and beyond its usual petty partisanship. We have seen the price for such tomfoolery, and we will not be given this chance again. This will succeed. The eUSA will be reunited. And side-by-side with our brothers-in-arms in Fortis/Eden, we will crush the imperialists who dared to kick the tiger in the balls.
*Eppur Si Muove
And Yet It Moves*