California Dreaming

Day 673, 20:41 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello Erep Citizens, especially those from California,

I’m sure many of you will remember me as the former Party President of the Conservative Party. In my previous article, I wrote about how I was not going to let the loss of the PP election bring me down, and that I was going to remain active in this game. Well now I am continuing forward by running for congress in the Golden State, California. The war is coming to a close, so now more than ever the eUS needs to focus on rebuilding not only strength, but also relationships with our allies and the economy as well.

My plans for California and my job as congressman will hopefully entail bringing a greater defense to this country, so that hopefully another war as the previous one, will not occur again. The eUS has two Q5 defense systems currently on hold. As a congressman of California, I will be pushing to get that 2nd Q5 for our state. Many eAmericans remember the horrors of spending their wages/savings on weapons, twice, only to lose this valuable state twice. I want to make sure that no such circumstances happen again. Do I not only see a Q5 defense in California’s future, but possibly even a Q5 hospital (Max McFarland 2 has offered some good deals on a Q5 HS to the congress. I would not be one of the congressmen who lets that opportunity pass by.) Now don’t get me wrong, it would take some time for either of these possibilities, and I would surely not hope to rush the process, but nonetheless, California has proven to be the third most valuable state if not the second most, so risking it’s loss, again, is not an option.

As Party President I had the pleasure of working with not only infrastructure, but our allies as well. After this war, the relationship with our allies is going to be essential to our success. But I know for a fact that some of the most prominent members of our allied friends had not been impressed with our congress. I worked together with our allies, while it seemed that congress was working against us. This needs to change if we are going to keep a good relationship with our allies. I would even like to extend out, making new allies (I’ve always considered it a shame that we are not allies with the UK, I’ve always liked them in RL 😕 )

I have been in congress before, and I know I wasn’t the most active of congressmen, but this time it is going to be different. I didn’t like seeing eAmerica get taken over, and I also didn’t like seeing congress act the way it did. I had taken an active role in helping the eUS as PP of the CvP, and now I hope to do the same as congressman of California. There is going to be a lot of work needed to get eAmerica back on the right track. Help me help the eUS by voting Mattoze5 in California.

Don’t forget it is the person behind the keyboard who counts 😉

God Bless California,
God Bless America,