California Dreamin' of a Big Bang Theory

Day 773, 10:45 Published in Hungary Hungary by Zoli

I always thought that images say more then 1000 words, so this article will be something different, from you may have been expecting. Hope you have time to watch all movies.

Hungary attacked Romania without taking into consideration Christmas or New Year's Eve. Maybe this is a pagan rithual for them.

In order to increase its population Romania started to recrute new players to this game. Soon after the noobs needed guidance with the game. These new players enjoyed the game until a horde of Hungarian barbarians whom you cannot trust attacked Romania.

This attack came in any case after a lot of provocation by Romania.

Romania found out that they were not in a true relationship with EDEN, it it was more friends with benefits, then a true alliance. Romania always helped its allies, but really got anything back.

Even if the Romanian Government promissed it will help EDEN, the population is pissed off and will not help America, EDEN or Bill Clinton.

Let's all sing Soft Kitty, Little Kitty maybe they will feel better.

P.S. I saw Avatar. It was like the Romanian attack against Bulgaria. Mind blowing in the beginning, a lot of money spent just for visual effects, but it was clear from the first minute, that the good guys will win in the end.