Caesar/Goran Thrax November '09!

Day 715, 15:13 Published in Canada Canada by Gaius Julius Caesar00

I am Gaius Julius Caesar00 and I am running for Prime Minister of Canada along with Goran Thrax as my Deputy Prime Minister. We have received the CSD and ACC nominations and now we seek your vote.

First, I would like to explain a few things. I believe selecting the Prime Minister is a difficult choice for an eCanadian and it is very important to know, to borrow a phrase from a friend, who exactly it is behind the keyboard.

Who is Gaius Julius Caesar00?

I am a proud Canadian and not only in eRepublik. I was born here. I grew up here. I live here, too. I have visited every province in Canada excluding Newfoundland (and Labrador) and the territories. I have voted in every provincial and federal election since becoming a voter. I have played hockey competitively for well over a decade, and employed my writing skills toward the sport at a local newspaper once I stopped. I am as Canadian as Beaver Tails.

In real life, I study the Classics (basically Greco-Roman history) at University and I run my own high-end automotive business. Roman history is of particular interest to me. It taught me many lessons in politics which I have done my best to apply here in eRepublik.

Why use the name “Gaius Julius Caesar00?”

Caesar was a Roman statesman over two-thousand years ago. Phrases like “Veni, Vidi, Vici” (I came, I saw, I conquered) and “Iacta alea est” (The die is cast) are two famous quotes attributed to Caesar. He was born an aristocrat or patrician in Rome but did not enjoy high status or wealth like some of his contemporaries. Caesar instead made a habit of great deeds, winning the famed “civicus coronas” or the Civic Crown for saving the life of a Roman citizen in battle and conquering Rome’s most feared enemy, Gaul (modern day France) in one of the most famous campaigns in military history.

That is not why I chose this name. Others have conquered greater territory, written better Latin compositions, performed more skilled orations, and performed more bravely in battle. The reason I chose the name “Caesar” was his unique approach to politics. He was what’s known as a populares, or a political leader that derives his/her power from the people rather than from an elite political/economic class. Caesar was brilliant and his masterful knowledge of people allowed him to gain not just support, but love. That is why so many political leaders since Caesar have traded upon his name.

Why should we choose Gaius Julius Caesar00 for Prime Minister of Canada?

A great question! Firstly, I will use my trademark phrase: transparency. What is transparency? It’s an openness of government and accountability to the people of Canada. It means freedom of access to information not subject to strict security such as national defense. It also means the availability of information regarding voting records. As Prime Minister, I will introduce a motion to Congress for the regular publication of voting records. It will be reviewed by the Auditor General for consistency.

My word is as strong as oak. If an eCanadian is admitted to my proposed Cabinet and I am elected based upon that Cabinet, you can be sure that if that eCanadian holds fulfills his duty he will be among those in Cabinet on December 5th. After all, if your word is not worth the paper it is written on, what are you worth?

I will bring to the Presidency a freshness we have not had since Jacobi took power in June. I will sweep away inefficiency that I observed in three terms in Congress and I will aim to sweep out corruption, too. Weekly state of the confederation publications shall be expected.

Who is Goran Thrax?

If you're new to eCanada, you may not know who exactly is Goran Thrax. He is in fact one of the most accomplished eCanadians, having served in Congress four terms and Speaker of the House for two terms. He created the Victory Bond program which helped to bring about the end of eCanadian occupation. He has served in Cabinet on two occasions, as the Minister of Justice and as Director of the Department of Justice. Goran Thrax successfully passed the first eCanadian Criminal Code. He is an Administrator on the Official eCanadian Forums and serves with the Canadian Armed Forces. For his work in defending Canada against the Hungarian political takeover, Goran Thrax was awarded the Order of Canada. Of all the politicians in eCanada, Goran Thrax is far and away the most non-partisan. He will be the most important member of this administration in bringing about a unity of our political spectrum.

The Long Awaited November 5th Platform

Foreign Affairs

I believe eCanada has a unique position among our allies, as we do in real life. eCanada is more than just a country; it’s a symbol of peace and prosperity and hope. We have a great deal of goodwill abroad and we can be a leader to bring neutral and enemy nations to the side of freedom. We can lead negotiations and increase our standing on the world stage; not by strength of arms but by the force of our reputation. I have already begun this as an Ambassador and as top diplomat, I shall continue this work.

Gaius Julius Caesar00 will continue to fight for the liberation of our friends and neutral nation’s under threat. I will not be satisfied until all original territories are restored. I will also not support the subjugation of our enemies as this could cause a reversal of fortune in the war.


This Administration will launch the most comprehensive economic plan in eCanadian history. To protect eCanadian business, we will launch a plan in Congress to protect our homegrown industries and preserve our jobs. Manufacturing, construction, and land workers and their businesses will all benefit from decreased foreign imports and receive higher wages and profits for business owners. Tied with this plan is a measure designed to encourage trade through a reduction in the value of the dollar until it reaches par with the US dollar. This will increase our global competitiveness and simultaneously, we will make use of the new funds to build up our gold reserves to ensure we survive the next global conflict. Also included with this plan is a five gold subsidy for companies owned by Canadian citizens and operating within Canada who wish to compete on a global stage. This economic plan will ensure Canada has one of the strongest economies in the world. Simple, but effective.


As stated in the foreign affairs portion of this platform, I will not support the subjugation of foreign territories except in the case of temporary military maneuvers. I will instead focus on the repatriation of territories under PEACE GC control such as India. Nevertheless, eCanada will be an active participant in EDEN High Command.

I will encourage the continuation of the training wars which we participate in as a cost efficient way of maintaining the state of the economy when the world war is not a threat.

I will also encourage our Canadian Armed Forces, the Canadian Rangers, and Bruck’s Canucks as crucial elements of the defense of our sovereignty and the sovereignty of allied nations.

A new program will be created called the Citizens Militia. This program is for non-CAF members to participate and offers the opportunity for unorganized citizens to participate in our defense. This program will help increase our defensive capabilities at minimal cost to the taxpayer. This program will not be under the direction of the CAF and will operate as an independent body, but following battle orders from command. The Rangers are a similar idea, however the Rangers are a training division for the CAF while the Militia will operate independently.


Gaius Julius Caesar00
Prime Minister

Goran Thrax
Deputy Prime Minister
I have prudently chosen one of our nations greatest bridge builders to forge consensus in Congress and the Executive to propel our vision of Canada forward.

Minister of State
He has also been inducted into the Order of Canada for his work against the Hungarian PTO and serve Congress on three occasions. Treian will be entrusted with great lateral responsibilities to administrate many of our programs on the home front.

Taiwan Panda
President of the Privy Council
This business community leader has served the government well in Cabinet and will head up the Privy Council in an advisory role.

Ralph de Ver
Minister of Finance
He is the incumbent Minister of Finance and has guided the economy in skilled fashion, having been the finance expert of Bruck's Canucks.

Minister of National Revenue
Cham, as he's known in the CSD, has served this post with distinction for several terms and even ran under the CSD banner in the past Presidential election.

Victory Bonds Canada
Moffington is the incumbent and under his leadership, Canada's revenue has skyrocketed. A Cabinet would not be complete without him.

Minister of Foreign Affairs
He is arguably one of the most experienced eCanadians, having served four terms as President, and currently serving his third term in Congress. Jacobi will be instrumental in rebuilding relations and organizing trade missions.

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs
Eldorino has served as Minister of Foreign Affairs in the past and would become perhaps one of the most highly qualified deputies we have had in eCanada.

EDEN Liaison
The eCanada Forum Root Admin has served in this role for the first 2-3 months we were involved in World War III. His experience and excellent relations with EDEN Command and allies will be essential for this post.

Minister of Defence
He is the current Minister of Defence and under his leadership, North America has been fully restored. He is one of the finest MoD’s to serve eCanada and I would feel privileged to have him serve this administration.

Deputy Minister of Defence
Having held two ministerial posts and serving in Congress Lokes is ready to make a greater contribution to the CAF that he faithfully serves.

Deputy Minister of Defence
He is one of the hardest working members of the current administration and he will serve the new one well.

Minister of Justice
He serves as a public defender in the US in real life and is uniquely qualified in issues regarding the law. He has also served as the US President on four occasions, currently serves as Administrator of the eUS forums, and has served in Canadian Congress since responding to a call for help against the Hungarian PTO attempt. A loyal, adopted Canadian.

Deputy Minister of Justice
Adasko is the long-time eCanadian who wrote the Criminal Code. He has been in Cabinet and will be a fine addition to this new Administration.

Trenton Rendell
Auditor General
His experience as Minister of Industry for two terms gives him the experience in business to be able to track and monitor Canada's taxes and expenditures for consistency

Minister of Health
Jbdivinus is a longstanding eCanadian citizen, serving in Congress currently. He ran for President in October and nearly 1/3 of eCanadians chose him to be their next leader. He has a lot of great plans in store for this Ministry.

Citizen B
Minister of Industry
For months, Citizen B has administrated our national industries. Through a vicious war, through national bankruptcy, he guided our industries ably, and well. I can think of no finer candidate to continue this vital service to eCanada.

Minister of Immigration
He has served in this post with distinction and well deserves a repeat.

Minister of Education
The incumbent has been working on the New Citizen Guide for some time now, bringing helpful advice to new eCanadians and has worked extremely hard for our benefit. I cannot imagine a more qualified candidate for the role.

Director of CSIS
The incumbent has been in CSIS for as long as I can recall and has helped bring citizenship to many eCanadians, as well as providing intelligence to the executive branch.

Director of Official Languages
At the recommendation of Anomie, the current Minister of Official Languages, I am appointing Arche8 to fill this post in a Caesar/Thrax Government

Deputy of Official Languages
Nic007 is an eager member of the Francophone community in eCanada and will be able to make great strides in this Ministry.

Vote Caesar/Goran Thrax for transparency!