Cabinet Report: Day 1,097 (And NZ Declares WAR!)

Day 1,097, 13:48 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

As 13:30 there was 12 hours left on an NZ proposal that they declare WAR against Australia.

It's believed Cabinet is working on a response titled Operation: Underarm Bowling.

We'll keep you posted.

Prime Minister: Wally Wilson

We've established some goals for the week.

More articles are required from the Departments of Education and Public Relations.

Aussie Bloke requires support to get the Department of Health up and running.

The Military supply process needs to be improved.

Proposals are bugged and are locked up in pending mode. Can't make new proposals of the same sort until they clear. It appears to be a global problem and its doubtful there will be any resolution until at least Monday Bucharest time.

Bug has also effected our 'War' with Indonesia. Admin think we were wiped out by Indonesia about 1-2 weeks ago (which never happened) thus the attack button has been disabled for both countries.

Please remember when publishing articles to mention the API issue preventing people from joining the forums and that they must PM Brenflakes to get access.

Finally, we are working with Ranger Bob and Majester to help draw up a flashing new citizen message - like the USA and NZ have done.

Minister of Defence: Binda33

ACUK is still struggling to find active soldiers to join and I think we can blame the PTO on some of that. Many left the game that would now be qualified for ACUK. What we have now is the older players who remained in Dropbears and the new players in AAR but with a big gap between these strengths.

AAR seem to be doing very well and remaining active.

Dropbears are doing very well, with an increasing number of active soldiers and Marshals handing out regular supplies. The MPPs are very handy, keeping them all busy there. Many older players that left have rejoined Dropbears. If they keep recruiting at this rate I will have to raise the minimum requirements to join to keep the unit manageable and elite.

I also appointed Alesayr as MoD Intern and I have given him the task of updating all Military Wikis.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Super Christopher

EDEN is involved with RW's in their conquered territories and have their hands full.

NZ is declaring WAR on us... we are consulting Trevor Chappell on the best way to run Operation: Underarm Bowling

A number of MPPs are due up for renewal in a week and the PM is working with Senate to make sure they are done in the correct order and on time.

Minister of Finance: Venja

Things are going OK, economy is a little slower that I had hoped, mainly because wages are to high.

Budget spending is tracking OK, I will be doing the mid terms report to Senate in the next day or so.

Minister of Industry: Binda33

We have two GFC's currently operating - Titanium and Grain. These are paying market wages and turning a profit. There was plans on getting a food company for the grain to be funnelled into, but that seems to have fallen by the wayside. I have reopened a discussion on this.

Minister of Immigration: Kirkzzy

I have been getting a lot of eGermans wanting citizenship requests (now there are Brazilians and Serbians.) We are not totally safe from PTO.

New citizen count also unusually high - on the hunt for possible multies.

Minister of Education: Kirzzy

Well atm I got Videojack and I alternating between writing articles, and Tyler96 on finding a good script for contacting newer citizens and messaging them. Sadly the tools on our forum are broken and their are no scripts available (that we can find) as V2 #$%^ed everything up.

So now pretty much were just writing as much articles as possible between the three of us and advertising, hoping to hell if newbs have half a brain they will look.

Minister of Public Relations: CrowdedHouse (Goose Step)

Been absent over the weekend due to work.

Back and board and we have been running a number of ads overseas to encourage citizens from other countries to move here to work and help boost our economy.

We have spent around 7 gold on ads for this project in countries such as USA, NZ, SA, Poland, Canada and the UK - the result has been 104 clicks on our workers wanted article which in return got nearly 100 votes.

Another campaign should be tried like this next term, but requires more support in the way of articles from all government orgs post in other countries to create some hype about or country.

CrowdedHouse (Goose Step)
Minister of Public Relations for eAustralia
Deputy MoPR for eAustralia
DoPR Intern