Cabinet Log (Aoife/Raven Term) I served as MoI

Day 2,889, 23:26 Published in Ireland Ireland by Winston Hope Smith

Hi all

As you might know I was banned yesterday from Congress...yes Democracy here has ended. The Cromega Governmnet has decided not only that you cannot say what you want in the Dáil but that you cannot even report the injustice perpetrated there.

You will see in this series of articles how they now have captured our dictator and Ceann Comhairle and that they now do their biding.

When investigating the legality of their decisions I looked at 3.03 of the Constitution which was used to silence me.

I noticed, and I hope you do also, that it was perfectly legal for me to publish my posts in any Government or Congress message as long as I give permission to do so.

I give permission

Now this will in no doubt give a one sided view but hey 😃

Don't blame me btw for this state of affairs I voted against the constitution and Elite's update that allows this.

Note that this process is by necessity long so will take a number of articles...some will say no one is interested, if not don't read.

So to start the ball rolling posts from the last Government Cabinet message The Aoife/Raven Government where I was a MoI. (it starts mid way through the term unfortunately)