Bye Bye ePoland

Day 794, 00:18 Published in Poland Germany by The German Eagle
Hey ePoland,

guess most of you dont like me anymore... 😉

I`m sorry for this, but against a population of 64.000 citizens plus armies from other EDEN-countries it wasnt the worst idea I think...
ePolish soldier published fake-orders in eGermany the whole war.
And with 60.000 potential voters in a eCountry with 2.000 citizens its much easier.
"Your" fake-orders had nearly all Top-related-places in our news, with same names like our MoD-orders.
First your countrymen posted "pro-german" (in bad german, sure) articles and then changed it when battle were started.

So I dont understand some of your complaints. Is it only "fair" and "honour" if you do it?

And yes, I dont speak polish and if there were faults in my article I am sorry. But I learned a lot of insults in polish PMs I received... 😕
Thanks for the lessons. And sorry Admins for the busy day...
Anyway. Please dont forget that this is still a game!
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose.
Now you have lost two regions by defending 11 others. Congrats for a good fight.

Now its time for me to leave Silesia and move back to uprising eGermany. I enjoyed the time in ePoland, met some new friends and, hell yeah, there is a bit of a Stockholm syndrome... I will miss you sometimes I guess. 😉

See you on battlefield...


Ah, and btw: I am NOT the german president! But soon I will be yours... 😉

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