Business Tips part 1

Day 381, 12:29 Published in USA USA by denversbest02

Business Tips

Every week or so I will be posting a few business tips for new owners and for anyone who finds them useful. I feel it is very important for players starting companies to not make important mistakes, especially when the price of gold is so high. This first set of tips are mainly for new business owners.

Business tip #1 – DO RESEARCH!
Look to see where you can make the most impact with your business. Check to see what competitive wages are being offered, and of course the competitive prices of the product.

With your Organization account, move to a region that contains a high productivity for that resource. Why get a .01 or 1.00 bonus, when you can get 2.00x for paying the cost of a moving ticket. (Remember that when you start a business it stays where you started it so you can move from region to region and keep the high productivity.)

Here is a map that has all of the regions with there productivity.
Thanks Gorzong.

Make sure you know what kind of productivity you will get for a worker. This will be crucial in trying to figure out pricing, and how much you can afford to pay your workers. There are many all over the eUSA forum, and you can calculate it yourself by finding the equations on the wiki.

Business tip #4 – GET CREATIVE
To keep employees active and working, offer incentives. If they refer people to your company, give them a raise or a Q2 gun. If they work for x consecutive days give them a couple gifts. Make sure you get active with your company, that is the best way to keep employees happy and active.

Business tip #5 – DON’T BE AFRAID TO ASK
If you have questions, don’t be afraid to ask. There are plenty of knowledgeable people in eRepublik and many of them are happy to help. Look inside your party or to businesses with higher quality companies. That will be the most efficient ways to learn information on this game.

Hopefully this was somewhat helpful to new business owners. As always, any criticism or extra ideas would be greatly appreciated. Good Luck to all of you new business owners.