Business Oppurtunity

Day 901, 22:02 Published in India India by Pheenic

I don't usually write articles that are advertisements, but there's always a first for everything. As you all probably know, there's high demand for High-Q food. The High-Q food industry has been doing great here in India. Most people are willing to cough up the money to buy High-Q food, due to the fact that the Hospital System was changed by the Admins some time ago. So I've got a business opportunity for you businessmen/women out there.

The Q5 Company run by the government has for some reason stopped selling. I don't know if this is temporary, but I had to spend 64 INR just to buy Q5 food. My plan is to open up another company. That way there'll always be high quality food on the market. I haven't decided whether it will be a Q4 Food Company or Q5 one, but it'll be at least Q4.

I'm sure this will be profitable. There's only one small problem. Actually, it's kind of big. I don't have the gold to make this company. I could take a loan, but I've done that before, and I'm not going back there anytime soon. So, I've decided to raise gold through investors. All you have to do is message me, tell me how much you're willing to invest, and I'll add your gold value to the total gold amount raised. Then, when we meet the cost of the company, I'll collect all your gold, start the company with a new organization, give all of you the password to the organization(Trust and all), and we'll get rolling. We'll pay out dividends, and everyone's happy.

So, does that sound good? Drop me a message if you're interested, have any concerns, questions, all that good stuff.

Let's get this on the move!