Business Meeting - Read Now! :D

Day 347, 14:04 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Squiddy

There will be a business meeting consisting of a lot of important people from the UK, possibly from other countries and possibly a member of the Development team for eRepublik.

Basically we are going to be talking about the statistical information that needs to be added to companies, such as how much they sell etc etc, but I'm sure there will be time to discuss some other things 😉

If you own a company, have some ideas or just want to be there then please come along.

It will be held today at 10pm GMT, (1 hour from now) at:

You must sign in as a guest and the room is the "Private US Meeting Room".

There is a password, if you would like to get in then please send me a PM and I will tell you it 🙂