Business As Usual For Netherlands

Day 2,542, 12:14 Published in Netherlands Canada by Aries Prime

The votes are in and it is clear Trannsvaal will win. With his victory comes another month of the same old story. I congratulate him on his win.

I find it upsetting that lancer450 has managed to garner so much support despite him being inactive and not actually running. I can understand if they are votes to show distrust in the two primary candidates, but I fear they are due to voter negligence.

Now that I have lost, I am truly free from any and all responsibilities attached to Netherlands. This will be the first time in over a year, or as well as I can remember, that I have not served in the government. With that comes the ability to further decline into a two-clicking state or move abroad. For now I will stay, but I expect to be moving to Canada soon. I have had my mind set on it for some time, and I finally have the option to do so.

I realize my campaign was both risky and bold, but it is genuinely how I feel about our country. Clearly many disagree. But it also plays a large part in how this country will be managed from here on out. With only conservative candidates winning, I don't expect to see much change in our country for a long time. Perhaps many of you are happy with the state we are in, but I am not. I am bored with our country and I fear we will never progress past the state we are in. We refuse to take risks or make moves to strengthen our position, slowly losing our active players and any kind of fun we might have for our country. That's unfortunate.

I want to say it's been an exciting race and the results have been tight, but it has been neither. I really do wish Trannsvaal the best and hope his ideas, and future CPs ideas, will reshape this country into an active and fun community.

Signing out,

Aries Prime