Bunch of Nancy Boys

Day 855, 21:44 Published in USA United Kingdom by Tim Proctor
The French not you, unless you're French and reading this...j/k

Okay, seriously there is a great tool for Hex Grid Wargaming called MapTool from rptools.net, I suggest that everyone who is a General, Field Marshall, etc. runs practices runs with it.

I'm a Gamer by trait, I love board games, role playing games, etc. I've spent more hours War Gaming then I did in college. I'm excited about V2 but I think that it's time the eUSA got organized for it.

I also suggest that we run out military in this way to make it easier to manage.

(1) Company Leader who has a 4 Platoons underneath them.
(4) Platoon Leaders each have 4 Squads underneath them.
(4) Squad Leaders each have 4 Teams underneath them.
(4) Team Leaders each has a team with 4 Privates underneath them.

This is actually a large military unit that is well organized. Basically you have 5 per team (4) Privates and a Leader, with 4 Teams and a Leader that is 21 per Squad, 85 per Platoons and 341 per Company. Obviously you just carry the equation farther and make adjustments for the lack of a person here or there. So if you needed a Batallion you take 341x4+1 and get 1,365.

I suggest a VOIP with a Chat Box. The Chat Box is for the Commanders to communicate with each other and the VOIP for the ground commanders to talk with their troops.

My suggestions is that we create 20x20 MapTool maps to practice with, with Military Units consisting of a Team of 2 Riflemen, 1 Artillery, 1 Chopper, and 1 Tank.

I haven't figured out all the stats, terrain mods, etc. but I think that we should get used to practicing the system. So anyone who has statiscials or data modules please leave them as a comment.

Also, for those gamers that want to be battle field commanders I suggest that you read a bunch of wargaming materials (White Dwarf has a bunch of great stuff).