Bulgarian fun

Day 1,590, 02:22 Published in USA Romania by Dan Pop

English version :

Hey, Bulgaria...do you remember your mountaineer friends from Romania ?
We are still here and you are now back on the other side. Can we have some fun together again?

For those of you born after eDay 993, I want to shortly relate an epic story from v2 , when Bulgaria used to be Serbia and Hungary`s little puppet.

Passing over the game mechanics, Romania was caught in the middle by its neighbours and needed allied help. A direct attack from Bulgaria would have activated all our MPPs...our chance ! But how stupid could the cucumbers be to attack us, top 3 eRepublik force ?
One night, we had a funny ideea : we put on our IRC nicknames serbian endings and we went on bulgarian chat channel.

00:23 *** elbanderas82 is now known as elbanderas82|rumunija
00:23 *** yoyojohnny is now known as yoyojinski|rusinski
00:24 *** Gethrodrak is now known as Gethdradzickovici
00:24 *** seeinvoices is now known as seelingski|ukr
00:24 *** Fremenul is now known as Fremenul-sve-kurva
00:25 *** ion-voda is now known as knjaz-jon
00:25 *** beNGates is now known as BenGeJts|SrbiJa
00:25 *** Stoica-Adrian is now known as AdriJan-Stoicki

One of us pretended to be the serbian ambassador and told the bulgarian CP that he has direct orders from the serbian CP to attack Romania in Dobrogea at 02:00 ...meantime Serbia was about to also attack Romania in Oltenia and Hungary in Banat!

00:26 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: hi dude! I’m the mighty serbian ambasador of all the faching Erepublika!
00:26 Stoich: oh, hello mighty one!
00:27 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: we`ll atack romania and we need your support
00:29 Stoich: tonight?
00:29 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: yes at 2 a.m.
00:29 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: we'll atack oltenia and we need you to atack dobrogea
00:29 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: first
😇0 Stoich: alright
😇0 Stoich: can I have your word that Serbia will halp Bulgaria gain a high region after
😇1 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: yes dude
😇1 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: i`m sure that you`ll get muntenia
😇1 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: or central greece
😇2 Stoich: ok, munteneia is not wise,
😇2 Stoich: as we can't hold it
😇3 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: we`ll talk that if it`s a succesfull plan
😇3 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: anw , if you`ll get muntenia you`ll have full backup from us
😇4 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: we`ll send mobile trops to help you
😇4 Stoich: ok, but we start, there is no stoping, Romania has to be erased!
😇4 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: yes i know
😇4 Stoich: ok
😇5 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: first of all , you must atack dobrogea at 2:00 AM
😇6 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: we`ll atack oltenia at 2:45 EI-IEM
😇6 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: and hungary will atack banat at 3 EI-IEM
😇6 Stoich: alright
😇9 Stoich: just to make sure 2:00 am BG time right
😇9 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: YES
😇9 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: now it`s 12:40 AM no ?
😇9 Stoich: ok
00:40 Stoich: yes
00:40 Stoich: i 1:40
00:40 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: ok , tonight we will write history
00:40 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: tnx you ,
00:41 Stoich: no problem we talked it over with Serb and Hungarian prezident so we agreed already though I was expecting it to be later
00:42 BenGeJts|SrbiJa: we will surprize now those barstards!
00:42 Stoich: Hell ya! We will crush them !!

The result ?

04:02 Bulgaria attacked Dobrogea, Romania one hour ago.

Here is the hungarian CP`s next day reaction : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-eden-csal-sok-imm-r-irc-n-is-cheating-also-in-irc-1482304/1/20


Versiunea in romana :

Hei, Bulgaria...iti amintesti de prietenii tai vanatori de munte din Romania ?
Suntem tot aici iar tu esti din nou de partea cealalta. Nu vrei sa ne mai distram putin?
Pentru cei dintre voi e-nascuti dupa ziua 993, vreau sa va relatez pe scurt o intamplare epica din v2, pe vremea cand Bulgaria era catelusa de companie a sarbilor si ungurilor.
Trecand peste mecanica jocului de atunci, Romania era prinsa in cleste de vecini si avea nevoie de ajutorul aliatilor. Un atac direct al bulgarilor ne-ar fi activat toate MPP-urile...era sansa noastra ! Dar oare cat de prosti sa fie castravetii sa ne atace pe noi, una din primele 3 forte eRepublik ?
Intr-o seara, ne-a venit o idee haioasa : ne-am pus in coada nick-ului terminatii sarbesti si am intrat pe chatul bulgarilor.
Unul dintre noi s-a dat drept ambasadorul sarbilor si i-a spus presedintelui bulgar ca are ordine directe de la presedintele sarb sa atace Romania la ora 2 fix...in timp ce Serbia urma sa atace Romania in Oltenia iar Ungaria in Banat la aceeasi ora.
Aici e reactia presedintelui maghiar de a 2-a zi : http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/-eden-csal-sok-imm-r-irc-n-is-cheating-also-in-irc-1482304/1/20