Bulgaria the lapdogs [Polandball] [EN/BG]

Day 1,376, 18:33 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Giorgos Zaikos

So a lot of people were wondering if I'd write a few articles about the Balkan wars that have been going on, so first I thought I'd make a little one about Bulgaria, since Bulgaria loved my last article about them so much (lol just kidding, they cried rivers over it)

One day in EDEN HQ...


And then...

Problem, Bulgaria?

Hail ONE \o/
Fail EDEN/Terra

And now, Bulgarian translation by famous eBulgarian lapdog citizen 'EDEN-our-masters-29'

Yip yip...

Woof yip...


Woof woof, Bulgaria?

Yip ONE \o/
Woof EDEN/Terra