Bulgaria leaves EDEN – for English speaking who are wondering what is going on

Day 1,583, 04:18 Published in Bulgaria Bulgaria by egad

For many this may seem like a surprise, to others this is something expected but what is more important – it’s official. In this article the Bulgarian president announced that Bulgaria is leaving EDEN and will start a new alliance and in the meantime will attack Turkey. I know that there is no English version but trust me – that’s what he says.

As I saw many people wondering why Bulgaria made such a decision I would like to explain it. I think everyone knows about the Bulgarian-Turkish soap opera that lasts for more than 3-4 months so I’ll skip that part and I’ll start from the summit held 2 days ago. There is an official article where you can read what happened there and what EDEN HQ has decided. We all thought that would be the end of this boring story which was leading EDEN to a collapse. Unfortunately that was not the case.

Even though Greece, Romania and Croatia voted “Abstain” they were not that neutral to all that happened. Greece was one of the three countries that proposed Bulgaria as a NE (others were Turkey and Ukraine) and as the Greek president said their pride was hurt so they have to attack Bulgaria. Many other EDEN players including Turks threatened the Bulgarians that they will punish them. It was clear what they are planning – tanking in the battle for the most important Bulgarian holding – North Caucus. Millions of damage were done in the first round but at the end Bulgaria won the campaign 8:0.

At the same time in EDEN HQ another summit was held. There the CPs of Croatia, Greece and Romania said that the SC of EDEN should be impeached and the voting for the end of Turkish trail membership was canceled. They demanded for a new voting some day who knows when with new rules. We all saw that such action doesn’t lead to an end of the problem. It was obvious that someone had to make the first step in a different direction. The Bulgarians are tired of waiting. We waited for 3 months since we vetoed the Turkey’s membership request. Many of us left the game bored to eDeath. We had to make the next step. As the Bulgarian president announced we are starting a new alliance. Who will be its members and what would be its goals will be known soon. We will have to wait a bit and in the meantime we’ll have a good fight against Turkey for the sake of the good old time when we enjoyed the military modul.