Brothers in Arms!

Day 983, 07:55 Published in Romania Romania by AIR Tanks


Capitan-Locotennt Ochiosu` Paraila raporteaza:

“Ma aflam ieri dimineata in cazarma Air-Tanks unde era o forfota si o imbulzeala de nedescris. Bine, de obicei este forfota si imbulzeala dimineata caci atunci se distribuie tigarile si alcoolul, da` ieri parca era prea de tot. Cu inteligenta mea legendara mi-am dat seama imediat ce era diferit: erau mult mai multi d-aia era imbulzeala.

Raportez ca atunci am inceput sa ma ochesc mai bine si am observat ca o parte dintre soldatii din cazarma aveau insemnele inconfundabile ale fratilor nostri. Nu ma refer la moldoveni, aia ne sunt frati de sange, ci ma refer la croati, care sunt fratii nostri de cruce. Am fost pe campurile lor de batalie si mi-am varsat sangele in Dalmatia, tot asa cum au facut multi romani, dar din pacate fratii nostri si-au pierdut complet tara. Croatia a fost rasa de pe fata pamantului si chiar daca doua regiuni au fost recuperate situatia nu se poate sa ramana asa. Va veni ea ziua razbunarii!

O parte din armata croata s-a mutat in Romania si unitatea Air-Tanks a primit-o cu bocancii. La capul paturilor, incolonati. Am oferit mana si gazduire in cazarme ca aceasta soldatilor croati fiindca noi consideram ca sunt singurii aliati de nadajde care merita tot ajutorul nostru, tot suportul nostru, orice sacrificiu. Istoria ne-a invatat asta. Desi 100-200 de soldati in plus brusc pot parea imposibil de gestionat, chiar infricosator daca te gandesti la faptul ca vor mai veni si in final vor fi cam 300, am observat imediat ca fratii croati sunt extrem de ordonati, de disciplinati, simtiti si cuviinciosi. Si nici nu le miros ciorapii.

Comandamentul Air-Tanks a decis impreuna cu liderii croati sa luptam impreuna, sa murim impreuna si sa reinviem 70 % impreuna, speram noi pentru recupererea integrala a pamantului croat, iar apoi mai vedem noi ce si cum.”

Document public in original.

Catre MyneleTv, OTV si alte institutii culturale de masa

Incheiat azi 30 iulie 2010" />

Poručnik Ochiosu` Paraila javlja:

“Jučer ujutro sjedio sam u barakama Air-Tenkova, gdje je nered bio na vrhuncu. Ujutro je to obično tako, jer se tada dijeli piće i cigarete, ali ono jučer... što je previše, previše je. Zahvaljujući svojoj legendarnoj inteligenciji, odmah sam shvatio u čemu je stvar... Jednostavno je bilo previše ljudi.

Pogledavši malo bolje, shvatio sam da dio vojnika u barakama nesumnjivo pripada našoj braći. Pri tome ne mislim na Moldavce, našu braću po krvi, već na Hrvate, naše pobratime. Ratovao sam po njihovim bojišnicama, prolijevao krv u Dalmaciji, poput mnogih drugih Rumunja. No, nažalost, naša braća ostala su bez svoje domovine. Hrvatska je nestala s karte. Premda su vratili dvije regije, ne može ostati na tome. Dolazi dan osvete!

Dio hrvatske vojske preselio je u Rumunjsku i vojna jedinica Air-Tenkovi dočekala ih je raširenih ruku. Ponudili smo im pomoć i smještaj u barakama poput aceasta, jer ih smatramo jedinim pravim saveznicima, koji zaslužuju našu pomoć, podršku i žrtvu. Tomu nas je naučila povijest. Premda je naizgled teško, pa i nemoguće, upravljati s dodatnih 100-200 vojnika, pitam se kako ćemo se nositi s njih 300, koliko u konačnici očekujemo. No, ne treba nas biti strah. Odmah sam uočio da su iznimno uredni, disciplinirani, pristojni i poštuju nas. A niti čarape im ne smrde.

Glavni stožer Air-Tenkova, u suradnji s hrvatskim vrhovništvom, odlučio je da ćemo se zajedno boriti, zajedno umirati i obnavljati zdravlje na 70%, i tako - nadajmo se - povratiti okupiranu hrvatsku zemlju. A nakon toga ćemo odlučiti što i kako dalje.”

Izvornik javnog dokumenta.

Pisano danas, 30. srpnja 2010.


Lieutenant-Capitan Ochiosu` Paraila reporting:

“Yesterday morning I was sitting in the Air-Tanks barracks, where the hustle and bustle was at its peak. It’s usually like that in the morning because that’s when the alcohol and cigarettes are distributed, but yesterday it was too much. With my legendary intelligence I realized at once what the problem was…. There were too many people.

I report that when I started to take a better look I realized that part of the soldiers in the barracks had the unmistakable marks of our brothers. And I am not referring to the Moldavians, our blood brothers; I am referring to the Croatians, our sworn brothers. I was on their battlefields and I spilled my blood in Dalmatia, like many other Romanians, but sadly our brothers lost their country completely. Croatia has disappeared from the map and even though two regions have been won back the situation can’t remain like this. The day of revenge will come!

A part of the Croatian army has moved to Romania and Air-Tanks military unit has welcomed it with opened arms. At the end of the beds, we offered a hand and lodging in barracks as aceasta to the Croatian soldiers because we consider that they are the only true allies that are worthy of our help, support and any sacrifice. History has taught us that. Although 100-200 more soldiers can appear hard, maybe impossible to manage, it’s appalling to think that in the end there will be 300. But we needn’t be afraid. I immediately noticed that they are extremely neat, disciplined, respectful and decent. And their socks don’t smell.

The Air-Tanks high command has decided alongside the Croatian leaders to fight together, to die together and regain 70% health together, we hope for the recapture of the Croatian lands. After this we’ll see what to do next.”

Original public document.

Written today 30 July 2010