British Resilience

Day 1,493, 10:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Maestro Matt

Well I have now spent my first week in eUK (and erepublik), the game took a while to get used to but I soon started to get the hang of things. A lot seems to have happened within a week though, what with eUK being attacked from three different directions so I thought I'd give my view on things.

Since I have started eUK has decreased by over 2 thirds thanks to Ireland, France and Canada all deciding to hit us at the same time, instead of facing us one-on-one they decide to strike us once already weakened. Now, even London is turning French:

Nevertheless France now finds itself in wars with both Belgium and Serbia. We currently hold 6 British regions and I believe Britain can rise again to reform its once mighty empire so don't think about giving up hope just yet; there are only 2 countries that have never been wiped out in the eWorld, Indonesia and the United Kingdom and that has to stand for something.

Battles may have been lost, but the fight for Britain is not yet over.

And so I leave you with these words:

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