Bringing back the spam - Old school style!

Day 519, 11:29 Published in Pakistan Finland by Erwin Schauman

Once upon a time Vakistan was the gleaming metropolis of spam. Not a day went by without the media section being flooded with spam articles, each one more inane than the previous one. Truly those days will be remembered with awe and terror.

Then the erosion began. One after another the Vakis died from the strange disease called the V1. The media section dried up as the once mighty empire of Vakistan became devoid of life. The gleaming metropolis of lulz was no more.

The Vaki Empire was cut up in pieces, and the remains of Vakistan was taken over by the evil dictator Han Solo who proclaimed spamming illegal in his realm. No longer could you hear the heart warming laughter of the children or hear legends about the pig disgusting tribe from the Northern Wastelands.

As the final act of defiance against this new, evil ruler and his anti-spam policies, I ask that everyone reading this article moves his newspaper to Pakistan, writes a spam article honoring the memory of the old Vaki Empire and vote up all the other spam articles.

Let your voices be heard one last time and show that there's still strength left in you! You've been given the right for freedom of speech. Now use it to strike at the one who would silence you!