BREAKING NEWS:Rally at Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Day 683, 18:26 Published in Israel Israel by Charles Nimitz

Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, magic in it.

Hello Israeli's! I come to you today with a sense of hope. A sense that what we are doing here today is special. Does anyone else feel that we can change israel?

I have called you all here for two reasons. To give you a personal message as to why I am the best candidate, and my platform.

I am not the best choice, I am the only choice There. I said it.

President Cj will win has caused multiple facepalms for the people of israel. While Cj does have experience, Our treasury was depleted;not once, but twice. Can we really afford to have CJ at the helm?A vote for Cj will win is a vote for stagnation

Soulsalvage. Good friend of mine, and a good eIsraeli. The question remains though.Does Soulsalvage have enough experience to lead eIsrael? In my opinion, the answer is no. We cannot afford any more costly mistakes because of inexperience.A vote for Soulsalvage is a vote for inexperience.


>Foreign Policy and War:

Our MoFA has already tried to broker a deal with the Turks on an MPP, but it looks like those talks will be fruitless. Seeing as how their are no immediate threats to our country, and with our miniscule treasury as it is, I feel like that money can be better spent on improving our economy. So i would like to see us remain neutral between Turkey and Greece.

>Boosting eIsraelis' experience and arresting population decline:

Well I think our first choice would be to explore the possibilities of joining a training war. I feel that a war could be the spark that our economy, and our people need that. If we can find a suitable situation, my hope is that we become a part of a training war.

>Government Size:

My ideal government would be large in size. I would like to see departments such as the ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of information, and the ministry of education expanded. There are plenty of brilliant israelis in this nation who are extremely talented in specific areas of the game and I would like to see a larger, more efficient government put in place. It would be the perfect environment for newer israeli's to train their skills, and prepare for the future.

>The Economy:

First off, our economy is in shambles we all need to accept this. I support the use of state owned companies in order to have a steady source of revenue, and a reliable source for jobs. I think that if government funds can be used to lend money to companies to be able to export to large markets, such as the USA we would see our economy on the rise once again.

In order to be most effective, I would most likely have control of government owned companies be deferred to the Minister of Economy. They are appointed to the post because of their knowledge of economics, and companies. And they are the most qualified to be in charge of the companies yo avoid any mishaps 😉 However, any major moves with the companies would be discussed between the minister of economy,myself, and the minister of finances

I would not hand off power to the companies without a signed contract put into place. But if resources were stolen I would take full responsibility for it because I misjudged their character when they were appointed.

>Dealing with dissent in cabinet and keeping a tab congressional politics:

I would like to appoint ministers who agree with the same policies that I issue. I would expect my ministers to give an official policy. If it is an opinion, they should state it is only their opinion, and not the official stance of the israeli government.

Under a Nimitz administration I would like to see my Vice President be in a sort of "speaker of the house" role. Being in charge of congress; making sure propposals are posted on the forums 24 hours early; making sure gold is donated to the IIF; making sure congressmen are registered on the forum

The problem with having congress elect Speakers is that whoever has the majority of congress will have the speaker of the house which is total domination of our legislative branch. I want unity and activity in israel, not domination.