BREAKING NEWS - Prominent VHC Member Deniz Banned!

Day 246, 07:03 Published in Turkey Turkey by Suspended

July 23

Another house arrest by the International Admin Court, prominent VHC Member [a url=]Deniz[/a] is banned until Thursday, July 24. It is not known exactly why he is in custody but this reporter can only assume that it has to do with his hateful tabloid [a url=]"just a liberal newspaper"[/a], formerly known as "GoonsRGay."

On a more personal note, this reporter has attempted to befriend Deniz in the spirit of peaceful understanding, but I have only gotten the following responses:

QJ Lincoln - Sends friend request

Deniz - RE: Friendship request
Date: July 22, 2008, 15:04
From: Deniz
gtfo I hate you all

QJ Lincoln - Can't we just be friends?

Deniz - RE: RE: RE: Friendship request
Date: July 22, 2008, 15:09
From: Deniz
No you guys ruined the game for us and everything we worked for, why would I want to be your friend.

It seems that Deniz believes that the future of eTurkey is just a game and feels that the TLF and friends are legitimate threat. I hope that this time under house arrest allows Mr. Deniz to cool down a bit.