Breaking News: Party PTO'd

Day 1,152, 10:55 Published in USA Australia by Justin McCravok

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking about the Justin McCravok Fan Club. He has won. The PTOr has taken my pride, my soul, and my heart. Who let this happen? How did this happen? I still have so many questions I want to ask...but if only someone had the answers.


It was a shocker. I had always known Nick, or Daniel Ender, would want to get revenge on me for destroying his career in eIsrael. He and I have never been friends, and we've been gnawing at each other's throat for months now, but did I expect this? To say the least, this was completely new to me. I had no idea this was the "revenge" that he wanted...had I had known, I would've prepared better. Well, look where I am now.

He has won because there is no opposition. I am disappointed in America for not providing assistance to my party. Personally, I didn't pay enough attention because I was busy giving free food to everyone under level 21 in the USA. But for those who don't have anything going on and are just lurking the site for something to do...they should've known. We could've stopped this. Well, yeah, it's not happening. My party in just a few hours will be gone, and if anything it will be the "Nick Chass Fan Club". I have no interest in ever being a part of the history of the party. I want my name stricken from the record. This is not my party. This is not what I want.

America, maybe next month we can prepare better for a takeback. Revenge is imminent Nick Chass, and this isn't over. Prepare for war. I want what I rightfully deserve, and that is my Fan Club. Where do all of my Fan Club members go now? :' (