BREAKING NEWS: Operation Creme Filling [ANA]

Day 2,108, 22:41 Published in South Africa South Africa by Marmaduke IV

As our countrymen ponder the future of our nation, our elite laboratory of scientists have been hard at work solving a mystery that has plagued mankind for months as we awaited the return of the elusive Twinkie.

The day has finally come when this mystery is solved. And today I present to you the results of this months long ordeal which our government has funded with the gold from your hard-earned taxes totally in the hundreds of thousands of ZAR.

Operation: Creme Filling

Despite Cloud Cakes being larger (on average a Cloud Cake weighs about 43 grams compared to Twinkies' 38.5 grams) the Cloud Cake has a lighter, fluffier texture. In addition, the cream is sweeter in the Cloud Cake.

The MSRP for Twinkies $3.99USD compared to Cloud Cakes' price of $3.09USD means you pay about 40 cents per Twinkie compared to 31 cents per Cloud Cake. Taking into account the size and weight difference, the cost per gram of a Cloud Cake is .007 cents, compared to Twinkies cost of .010 cents per gram.

So given the price per product along with the overall taste, unless there is a good sale on Twinkies, we have concluded that Cloud Cakes are the superior product.