Breaking It (Me) Down

Day 2,547, 10:30 Published in USA USA by Dave Gulya

I guess I needed to be alone.

To find solace in myself.

Maybe the loss of the election was harder on me than I admitted.

I sought out the single most secluded job I could find.

I became a lighthouse keeper.

Actually, according to the paperwork, I BOUGHT a Lighthouse.

Anyway, I also bought a boat. So that I could get back and forth to said Lighthouse.

And I bought paint, and scrapers, and sanding supplies. Some tools and the bare necessities were also stowed away. And my iPod. I can’t function without my music.

So I set about the tidying up. It was gross, there was a small hole in the upper window that allowed the pigeons in. And they crapped over almost the entire inside of the place. Plus various parts and pieces that were used by former maintenance crews to repair the facility just enough to keep it going.

I got all the poop cleaned up and found the generator and battery bank which was in tremendous shape for the age and condition. It was powered by the waves that ebbed and flowed outside the stone walls. It ran amazingly quiet and made plenty of power for my needs. A quick check revealed that it needed some TLC. Another project for my list.

There was a small state room that held a remarkably comfortable bed, a small dusty table, a very narrow cupboard and countertop and a beautiful view. A rusty antique hotplate was setup on the counter and there were a few cans of some very old beans in the cupboard along with several spiderwebs.

I began putting away my supplies and soon realized that my first run back to the mainland would consist of a garbage run. All of the left behinds over the years made the place feel so small. Stuff seemed to be piled everywhere. That was the first day.

On the second day, I polished the lenses and oiled all the moving parts. To polish the lenses, you must first read this intricately detailed book that tells you everything from “the keeper must wear linen clothing when polishing the lens as the traditional wool clothing will scratch the lenses surface”.

I spent the next three day sanding, scraping and painting the metal staircase that winded it’s way up to the lantern room. There were 3 sections. There was a section from the entrance to the state room level. There was another level in the state room, that lead to a watch room and the final section lead to the lantern room. I made it 1/3 the way in those 3 days. This was going to take a while. It gave me time to think. And I thought a lot.

I thought about my future. The future of the game.
I decided I would pull back. Go back to the Party, do my work from there.
Get another start, see if I could build the momentum again.

I resigned my job as USAF Operational Commander. I felt lost doing that job, I wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be doing! I was reorganizing the Regiments but other than that? I put out a couple of Recruiting pieces, no way of knowing if they were effective.

I had too many irons in the fire.

So yup, I quit. I’m a quitter. I run away when things get tough!
All the comments that were made were right.

Perhaps like Icarus, I desired to fly too close to the sun. It is at this time I must listen to Daedalus and his warning that I should not fly too high nor too low. To find a comfortable level between complacency and hubris. It’s time to begin a rebuilding.

In an effort to allow more opportunity and inclusion I will offer my spot, if selected for one, in the next Congressional election to on of our Best and Brightest. To a newcomer or a fresh face or maybe an Old F-k who needs it. If the PP prefers that I serve in Congress, then I will do that.

I will offer myself as a mentor to anyone that wants. You can PM me in game or find me on Rizon IRC at #eRepMentor

And after all, it is till just a game.