Brazil-SA conflict(Conclusion/Final part)

Day 1,115, 13:59 Published in Hungary Ukraine by Ivan Alexashenko

History does not repeat itself. However, it always follows eternally valid laws. Because these laws are ignored or violated in the same or similar ways by nations or people, they apparently lead to similar situations or results.
Anyone remembers to RA and Podolia?
The same story repeated itself.
We could see in the past few days, what SA TO-ers are capable of, just like in August they used the same dirty techniques.

The remarkable thing is that the SA TO-ers actually believe what they say. They know how to be so insolent and blatantly deceptive that one does not know what to say. They hold to their lies so strongly, even when they are proven false, that one who does not understand the mentality might easily believe that they had fallen for their own lies. That is not the case. Its just their nature. Anyone is wondering now how they worth more than a whole nation?

The SA TO-er press along with its Hungarian puppet really has gone too far. No one else believes it any longer. Everywhere in Phoenix, people wink when the TO-ers begin to speak on how much they done for Phoenix.

But who can believe in them?
What kind of ally asks 1000 gold/month rent for regions of a PTOed country that has underdeveloped economy and less then few hundred active citizens?
What kind of ally spreading lies about its allies?
What kind of ally disrespects its allies?

Perhaps the saddest thing the way of SA TO-ers talks about active Brazilian citizens who did gave everything of themselves for their allies. They always did and never expected less, but the same from their allies.

SA TO-ers missing the whole point this isnt only about regions.
Its about Brazil just, always wanted Hungary to respect and treat it like an ally. NOTHING MORE.

However during SA discussions TO-ers/Hungary kept changing their words and position and sometimes even talking of Brazilians like garbage, puppets or enemies.

This time I am ashamed being of Hungarian...