Brazil pushes back Australia, for now

Day 841, 06:54 Published in Australia Australia by Aeros

Before we start, we need to figure out what to call this war, so that it can be easily identified and remembered. Also to help the person who finally writes the wiki entry into Australia’s history (probably me). Since this is Australia’s first major campaign abroad, I felt it should be a term that reflects Australia and the location the war is being fought. So here it is.

The War of the Southern Cross

If you like the name, comment on it. If there is unanimous consent, I’ll refer to the conflict by this name from now on.


Following an intense battle that saw Australia maintain its damage output along with intense Greek support, Brazil called in allied support from Hungary, Serbia and Indonesia. Though they had won the battle, they have declined to attack Australia’s mainland. In Thailand, the United States has successfully bottled up the Indonesians, by placing the Philippines on their Northwestern Border.


Brazil fought really hard in this battle, and still required substantial Phoenix support to prevail. The victory was also helped by Australia putting more then 200,000 points of damage into the resistance war battle. Even so, the decision not to continue their offensive onto the Australian mainland (which would activate MPP’s) means we can expect Australia to resume the offensive on KwaZulu Natal sometime tonight or tomorrow.

Australia is aided by the arrival of hundreds of troops from around the Asian sector. The aggressive wipe out of South Africa has caused a great deal of alarm in countries like China and Malaysia. Bordered by hostile Phoenix nations, both are at risk of being PTO’d and wiped out in a similar manner. Letting the South African situation stand would only encourage this strategy. In addition to the arrival of Chinese troops and Malaysian Tanks, the Righteous Japanese Empire has declared war on Brazil and Argentina (informally) and has sent its forces to Australia to fight. While they may be few in number, I have seen countless videos on TV showing how powerful the Japanese Army is.

Photo of Japanese super soldier, Whac, preparing to engage Brazilians in downtown Durban yesterday. He bought this battle suit with his own money (srsly)


When the United States began its Asian Offensive back in December, it coincided with the Polish Invasion of Germany, the Greek invasion of Turkey and the Spanish invasion of France. Indonesia decided that it would be too risky to try and defend their holdings in China and India and began retreating the territories rather then fight the US and draw off damage. They even went so far as to retreat the engine of their economy, Karnataka, under the assumption they could easily get it back later. 3 months later, they are still trying.

The latest Indonesian effort had involved an invasion of Thailand in order to gain a border with India, and from this position, set up for a joint Serbian/Indonesian assault on American held Karnataka. Unfortunately for the Indonesians, they had previously launched adventurous campaigns against Malaysia and the Philippines. As consequence, Sol was very willing to monkey wrench the Indonesian plans. The Philippines, who possess a fully activated MPP war against the Indonesians, were swapped through China and India down to Southern Thailand. This region had recently been secured by the United States in a first strike invasion. Indonesia attempted to throw back the effort (activating more MPP’s in the process), but were inevitably driven off. Indonesia is now completely bottled up and surrounded by hostile Sol and EDEN nations. I’d say its safe to say their empire (or dreams of it) is dead. They have never been same since Russia demanded Western Siberia back, and the United States defeated them at the Battle of Third California.


The size of the battle in South Africa (more the 1 million damage points for both sides) show’s that Brazil will have a seriously hard time if the Phoenix tanks are needed elsewhere. Brazil independently has 600k damage potential when they go all out. Australia has about 300,000, and Greece can fart the extra 300,000 damage points to put Australia over. The present foreign support in Australia provides yet again another 300,000 damage points. The additional EDEN support (like Canada) would probably have to go fight the same battles that the Phoenix tanks would be forced to leave Brazil for, but that would leave considerable force remaining on the Australian side. The narrow margin of victory for the Brazilians yesterday also points to a strong possibility they will be defeated when Australia has no resistance war distractions.