Brave Vikings... Or coward chickens?

Day 1,493, 03:49 Published in Sweden Sweden by Restriction

This week have been an intense one. We've been invaded. And this isn't a regular training war. This is a full scaled war. Multiple countries have invaded us at the same time, also known as "G@ng B@nging".

We, in eSweden, haven't experienced this in... I don't know... Ever.
So we aren't really prepared for this chaos.

But this isn't only an external war against other countries. We can see in the media that we are experiencing something more dangerous. An internal war.

As soon as we get into a state where we don't have a war against anyone, then the people will begin to whine about "Oh noes, we need a war or else we quit because this game is boring as hell".
Then when our president and his government goes to training war, they all go "No, I don't want to fight against our brothers, I just want peace".

Don't you guys ever appreciate all the hard work the president & co does for our country? The late evenings and the early mornings? Meetings with the Alliance, Friends and Enemies?

All you guys are doing is publish articles about how bad the government has been only because of a war that just started to become a little more serious?

Everyone are talking about us being brave vikings that isn't afraid of anything... But if you ask me... Then I'll just say that the majority of our country is the opposite.

Professionally made in Paint.

But if you really want to prove me wrong. Then we should atleast TRY to win this thing. If not, then we'll die trying.