Brave Indian Army #4

Day 2,900, 01:57 Published in India Poland by Frosty87

The soldier who was awarded the Param Vir Chakra “posthumously” but he managed to receive it himself!

It’s way past midnight! Sunlight is a few hours away, in the distance you could hear gunfire, in front of you is a snow clad vertical path of 16,500 feet and on the top of it are bunkers in which reside men who are here to take your motherland! This was what was happening on the morning of July 4th, 1999 to Subedar Yogendra Singh and his ‘Ghatak’ Platoon that was asked to capture the Tiger Hill.

Now someone was to climb the cliff and fix ropes so that the feature could be attacked. Yadav, volunteering to lead the assault, was climbing the cliff face and fixing the ropes for further assault on the feature. Half-way up, an enemy-bunker started firing rockets and machine guns mercilessly, killing the platoon commander and two other colleagues of Subedar. The fire continued and Singh was hit in his crotch and shoulder by multiple bullets, but he continued nonetheless, climbed the remaining 60 feet and reached the top.

When the wounded Subedar Singh reached the top, the first bunker opened fire at him. He ran towards them and hurled a grenade through the window killing the enemy soldiers in the bunker. Then firing away he went to the second bunker, men in which were firing him and his comrades. He along with his other Grenadiers killed four Pakistanis using his bare hands. His partners captured the third bunker and hence the Tiger Hill – a top-priority reclamation for the country.

Indian Soldiers atop Tiger Hill after re-capruting it from the enemy.

After a broken leg, a shattered arm and almost 15 bullet wounds, Sudebar Singh was taken to the hospital where it was assumed that he may become a martyr. Param Vir Chakra was announced for his invincible spirit, determination and action beyond the call of the duty, posthumously, but it was found that he was recovering in the hospital and this 19-year-old was awarded the P.V.C. by the then President K. R. Narayanan.

Subedar Yogendra Yadav, being awarded the PVC by the Commander-in-Chief of the Indian Armed Forces, the President of India KR Narayanan

The actions of the fictional war hero Karan Shergill played by Hrithik Roshan in the Bollywood film Lakshya on Tiger Hill are a screen adaptation of the heroic deeds undertaken by among others, the platoon of Yadav, and give a detailed description of their arduous journey to capture the strategically placed bunkers on the 5307 metre high Tiger Hill.
The assault led by another Ghatak platoon from the same regiment on Tololing was adapted as one of the prominent battle scenes in the Hindi film LOC Kargil actor Manoj Bajpai portrayed the role of Yogendra Singh Yadav in the film.
Western websites have also paid tribute to him and his actions at Tiger Hill, with articles such as 5 Real Life Soldiers Who Make Rambo Look Like a Pussy by and The Badass of the Week: Yogendra Singh Yadav

Sleep Peacefully At Your Homes. Indian Army Is Guarding The Frontier.