Day 664, 18:00 Published in India India by Indian Armed Forces

Its here! Something We've all been waiting for!


For those that know the forums and use them this will be structured using David Forde's own Region defender structure. For those that don't use the forums signup here:

And I'll explain below 🙂

First off, the signup sheet. Classification
I'll be posting it below after I explain it all, this structure uses the idea of choosing a region to fight from. While you won't actually live in this region, it'll be what you "represent" or "call home" Of course you'll actually be living in a Q5 hospital region (Orissa) So you can fight and heal and all that goodstuff 😛.

The way things work will be that after you pick a region players will be divided into groups of 5 or 10 (Decided upon based on the amount of players that signup)
And the first 5 or 10 will be classified as the 1st battalion of ______ region, the next group will be
the 2nd Battalion of ______ and so on....


Competitions will be based on % rise of total damage. This way is the most accurate and fair because lower ranked players will show a higher % base rise then higher ranked because of course they have more damage but the option and possibility for higher ranked players to buy higher Q weapons and therefore even out the % rise or even surpass it if necessary 🙂.
Based on calculations done by myself and a few others this process will be the most even and fair to all, no matter what battalion you end up in.

At first competitions will be done with ALL vs. ALL so that we can see how things go how smoothly they can run. Later on down the road competitions will probably be held in-region with the champions battling it out for national supremacy. Good luck!


Wages is something that will be discussed after budgets are figured out and the amount that can be spent will be spent. I'd like to see it made so that battalions can get the most $ possible while keeping prizes high for competition prizes but I can't make any gaurentees.


I've already contacted Navy and Airforce players on the forums but If your still interested I need to know, comment down here or message me (Jelly9473, link below) and I'll see what I can do. Platoon leaders will have the responsibility to truthfully track their members damage % rise, region admins will probably be assigned as well to make sure no foul play goes down, not that I assume it will but extra calculations are always a good thing.

Soo, your all wanting the signup link and here it is!


Signup and do something for yourself. You have nothing to lose and only damage, rank and experience to gain. Join your armed forces and help your country!
Join to learn!
Join to grow!
Join to serve your ecountry!

Any Q's Contact me, Jelly9473 here: Jelly9473

Don't forget,