Bradums for eIreland

Day 823, 12:02 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bradums
The Less-than-Prodigal Son Returns...

And so, at long last, I've returned as a repatriated citizen of eIreland. While my exploits with the Theocratic Holy Army broadened my horizons and helped me learn a great deal about the eWorld, it wasn't hard to tell that my heart remained in the Emerald Isle. At the call to fight for my homeland, I felt that fate had finally stepped in and made it even more obvious that I was meant to return and put myself to work for the glory of eIreland. To old friends, acquaintances, and new citizens who joined since my departure...I look forward to serving alongside you all.

As well, I'd like to make it known that I will be running for Congress under the Independent Voices party. Though not the most outstanding party in terms of political views or outspoken members, it fits my personality well. To those of you who know me, you should know that I'm a rather unbiased person, and neither pride nor any sort of political party mentality ever governs my duty. If I'm wrong, I admit it. If I'm right, I'm humble about it. There's no selfish nature to my actions, and I give fair credibility to everyone I speak to as long as they deserve it. This nation has been plagued with people looking to troll, cause trouble, and stir up unrest, but I intend to work together with anyone and everyone willing to put forth genuine effort to improve our nation. In the coming chaos, we need coherence and focus.

I've been a TD before, a few months back. In serving the Dail, I never missed a single vote. As well, I served as ambassador to eSwitzerland and eIran, and was both an XO and member of numerous IDF divisions. Active in our nation's affairs through the game itself, as well as the forums, I gave it my all and did my part in making our nation stronger.

Now that the past is summarized, I won't take up too much more of your time in stating my wishes for the future.

Bradums for TD in the Northeast!

For eIreland, the future is uncertain. We have found a victory in Northern Ireland, where some rejoice and some are angry. We have seen the countless displays of inability to work together from the top to bottom of our nation's populace. It is time we come together and ensure that the future of eIreland is one of strength and unity. We have proved before that, despite our relatively small population, we are strong and devoted. In past wars, where eIreland sallied forth to aid neutral countries defend against conquest by larger nations, we racked the numbers up and proved that we are a force to be reckoned with. Now, it's time that we tempered that into something more.

It is my opinion that many of us are calming down from past arguments and incidents, and despite any differences in views or opinions, we must now realize that no matter what our differences, we are eIrish. We are brothers, sisters, comrades, and allies. It is time to cooperate and put our numerous viewpoints to constructive use.

Our biggest priorities should be:

- The recent peace treaty between the allied forces and eUK that may result in a war for Northern Ireland. It's time we reevaluate our standing, our allies, and look to our security.

- International relations, whether this includes our entry into an alliance or not. The eUK seemed more than happy to go to war with eIreland, and it seems to be the popular belief that we're a pushover since we're a smaller nation without a firm and official list of allies to support and reinforce us.

- Consistent wargames to keep us well and strong. As anyone knows, it's war that gives us strength. Through war, our economy is allowed to flourish for what it is able to, and our citizens may use the hospitals to keep their wellness up. Without war, we grow stagnant and weak.

- Finally, our overall economy. As has been admitted by most officials, our economy is weak and unbalanced. There are dozens of weapons manufacturers, but fewer of everything else in relation. Brian Boru's "Project Lambda" is one idea that I believe may work well for our nation, and I'd be interested in considering it as a member of the Dail. As a former member of the Theocratic Nation (when it controlled eSouth Korea), I've seen a very similar plan in effect. The largest flaw in it for the Theos was the difference between the population's heritage (one side being foreign occupants, one being natives), which is a problem we don't have. We are all eIrish, and progress is our only course.

Vote for me. Vote for progress and eIrish strength. I won't disappoint.

- Bradums