Braca Rusi - Sve je istina! 1000 golda za lionking!

Day 814, 17:12 Published in Serbia Serbia by Ludak021

Braco i sestre,

Rusi su nam pored cene napada za razmene teritorije do Lionkinga (Liaoning-a) trazili i 1000 golda za "uslugu". Zivelo bratstvo i jedinstvo! Pljuvali ste me kad sam ih pljuvao sto su sebicni, samo napred, pljujte me opet! Rusi su sebicne pi*** i nista vise kao sto sam uvek i tvrdio.



english version:

Russia asked us for 1000 gold for "favor" they did us for getting to LionKing. That sum is is just for "favor" , not including actual costs of attacks and technical costs. I, and most of us consider it rude and not a friendly act.
