
Day 589, 22:46 Published in USA South Africa by Conrad Dietoten

I don't really have much to say right now but since I have a newspaper I might as well use it.

Nothing has really been going on in my eLife right now. I was really excited for a few days when I thought South Africa was gonna get two regions back but that was sadly thwarted by some insane faction of South Africans who think they have more wisdom than ALL the leaders of our country combined and can do whatever the heck they want. Needless to say, any South African with a brain is rather pissed off at them.

Other than that I've mostly just been chillin'. Hanging out in Florida waaaaaaaaiting for the training wars to start (which are very irregular). Hey, while I'm here I might get into US politics. Anyone know a good party to join or which candidate to vote for POTUS?

-Conrad Dietoten