Boe 4 prez + baibai PTO

Day 834, 10:03 Published in Singapore United Kingdom by Thedark ace

Hey there,

Been a few days since ma last article, been p. busy. But anyways, I never said thx 4 getting me into congress, so THANKS! I'm your guy in congress who is for the people, anything YOU want, tell me and I'll bring it up, okay? But Moving on:

Yes, I am in the Singapore Republican party, and I actually know Machoboy, our candidate, not personally, but I've talked to him a bit, and he made an official candidate, and now I'm in congress, but I know Boe WAY better, and Boe is active on forums, irc and goes on actual erep alot. He has played this game for ages, has spent time in the gov. So I urge you to please vote Boe, Machoboy doesn't know the game well enough, or even play enough. But, that's all I can really say...

A very happy topic is that them PTOERS IS GOOOONNNNEEE! Thank Dio and admins...but as they say "the battle isnt over yet" coz there is still one left 🙁 and they have theyre stealing org, if you haven't read theyre article, its in the top 3 so find it. All I can actually say on the topic...

You will more than likely have read the article by Mahlak Dependus telling everyone he is running for SRP PP, and, so am I. In an upcoming article I will highlight why I should be PP, me vs. Mahlak, and that Leonard geezer, but he's not real competition, really? I hope to increase the number of congress, get an active irc and forum and try and get a decent active president from SRP in office? Let's try?

I is ministerz of MoT&I, but its jointly run by me and TommyAquainas, as from the 6th. acho doesn't even have a cabinet...but we have a plan, that may or may not get passed, time will tell, and the main target that we think we have to acheive over the next month is solve the overproduction problem that has recently hit Sing HARD. Look out for that!

One hell of a long article, amirite?

Thedark ace

I'm MoLulz and will continue to be with Boe, and will try and be funny 😒 And so, last time it didn't work, but another attempt to ask a question and get a funny response, so here it is:

How did them serb PTO'ers die?

Evil question...but a funny or creative response plz? See what you can come up with...