BM Corp.

Day 1,660, 04:51 Published in USA USA by XxBusinessMogulexX

Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, I have some news to share with you.

Today we have gathered here, to witness the foundation of a corporation that hopefully will change the eWorld for better. It sounds like b*llc**p, doesn't it? I'm gonna prove the opposite. All you need is patience, so sit there and watch us help YOU.
Well anyway, You heard right, I XxBusinessMogulexX am the proud founder and CEO of the "BM Corp." Our corporation's first goal will be, YOU!
Yes you. I hope that we will establish and manage more branches that currently are in development, but for now we have one project that is established and we hope will reach success. I can go on and on about how great our corporation will be and what do we offer, but I will let our work to speak for us. One last thing, we're going international.

The first project is about charity. The cause of this project is to help you and hopefully earn your trust.
Now more about the projcet.
On collaboration with Mr. Andrews the CEO of eCitizens Bank we have founded a charitable organisation that will raise money and give them both to the people and (government) organisations.
Both I and Mr Andrews took part of our funds and donated them to this organisation. As a prove to my previous charitable acts stands this recent article:
In which I gave more than 25000 USD and 100 + Q6 tanks. The name of this organisation is "eCitizens Bank CO(Stands for Charitable organisation)". After this article will come a folllow up article on how our charitable organisation works, how can you apply for Aid etc.

BUT KEEP IN MIND THAT WE CAN'T DO THIS ALONE. We need help from the people, the rich people to be exact. You see, when it comes to charity, I can donate as much as I have because I'm a person who likes to do good. But I do not have an unlimited amount of money. So that is where you come. If you trust me, you can donate the money/supplies to me, XxBusinessMogulexX or you can wait a bit for the upcoming article with all the details about our charity, process etc. When you donate the money you will receive a confirmation that I got the money, you will be confirmed as an charity investor and after that I will inform you with the organisation which received your money/supplies etc.

Career Opportunities:

I need people who will help me with management, take care of docs, write articles, deploy supplies and simply said spread the word around. I pay good. REALLY GOOD.
Fill this up if you are interested in becoming part of BM Corp. I don't care from what country you are(TEDEN or ONE) as long as you are honest and hard working there will be job for you:

Or PM me(XxBusinessMogulex😵.

There is job for everyone, your job will be assigned to you according to your abbilities and experiences.
The only requirement is the knowledge of the English language.

The salaries go from 500 to 1500 CC per week. And if you prove yourself you may get a raise!