Blueprint for the Future #7

Day 799, 13:30 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Reading between the lines of the last Admin article, as well as their 'It was a Busy day' from a few weeks ago, I think we can safely say V2 will feature more industries.

What I also think will happen is that you will not automatically grow in skill as you work. Instead you will have to 'study' for skill growth instead. And it kind of makes sense, it will be a trade off between getting some money now, or studying instead and getting more money later. It brings in a extra level of strategy to personal life and the company management too.

So presumably you will be able to work in one industry and study for another. Which brings me to my ideas today... what other jobs could we have in the game?

Ok, here's another question: How do you rate a country?

Well population is one. GDP is another. Employment. What about healthcare? Military spending? Pollution? (see last issue). Tourist numbers?

What I'm proposing here is that the state, the government itself should be able to employ citizens in various roles. Roles that have a benefit to the population. These could feed back into the national goals too.

So it can employ Doctors and Nurses. Citizens could study healthcare. This would be separate to the hospital system but would give an extra boost to the general health of population.

Ministry of Defence. How many armed forces do you know of that can function without a central command structure? So if the country employs citizens skilled in logisitics or espionage or something like that the army might work a little better. A small fighting bonus? Why not.

As in my last issue - Ecologists. Citizens trained to clear up the pollution caused by all those companies.

All these could be classed as professionals. And of course this should all be scaled (so the larger countries have to employ more citizens to get the same level of benefit as that of a smaller country)