Blueprint for the Future #6

Day 792, 08:10 Published in Norway Norway by Yan Hoek

Just a quick one today....Pollution

Let's give every region a rating based on number of businesses, Q and type of those business and the population. Raw material companies are going to be much more polluting than manufacturing. And the bigger they are the more pollution they produce. So therefore a highly populated region with loads of Q5 raw material companies is going to be heavily polluted. And similarly a low populated region with only Q1 manufacturing is going to have a low rating.
Each rating gives the region a colour - green for the least polluted through to black for the most.

We know Admin are going to introduce happiness in V2 right? So citizens who live in highly polluted regions should be unhappier than those in greener regions.*

Not only would an average rating for all countries regions go on to a new country ranking list (because everyone likes to know that their country is better than others) but also this could also become a new national goal.

But how would you go about reducing the rating?

Well... the country itself should be able to employ citizens - who work to reduce the level of pollution in the country. As they work they increase their skill at combating pollution. Think of them as Forest Rangers, or Marine Biologists, or Recycling co-ordinators. (I'll expand on this new class of work in the next issue).

*(I'm thinking apart from happiness, this would be a completely passive feature ie. it would not affect the productivity of business, conduct of wars etc. - just so you know)