Bluegrass Platform

Day 519, 14:43 Published in USA USA by Bastion

As I shared in my last article, I am running to represent the great state of Kentucky in Congress! If elected, I will serve my constituency with honor, integrity, and dedication. As a reminder, I believe I am a qualified candidate based on my:

r/eLife Experience
Political Experience
Business Experience
Military Experience
Activity Level

Additionally, I'd like to take a few moments of your time to share my positions on key issues:

All Citizens deserve to know what they're government is doing! For the last two months, I have been an extremely vocal advocate of complete Congressional transparency. Things have gotten better, but only through the efforts of likeminded citizens who have lobbied intensely to make them so. And while there is a need for secrecy on sensitive issues (of national security), even those issues should be made public as quickly as the sensitivity has passed. Recent PIA legislation gets us closer. As a member of Congress, I will share (in this newspaper) the info you need to stay informed!

All Citizens deserve to know how their taxes are being used! With the publishing, this month, of the first Budget, Congress has taken the first steps toward fiscal responsibility. I am supportive of taxing the population just enough to cover the budgeted expenses - with the assumption that those expenses are agreed upon in advance by the people's representatives. Unlike some current members, I do not agree with setting arbirarily high OR low tax rates, and spending/keeping whatever comes in. Also, I'm pro-contracts; we need to ensure that your tax money is managed responsibly. As a Congressman, I will demand responsible taxing and transparent accounting for you.

All Citizens deserve to know that their leaders are working to ensure the security of their nation's borders. The military is now receiving regular funding through the budget process, and the leaders of the different branches are / will be sharing their activities and results. As your Congressman, I will be a strong advocate for the Military!

All Citizens deserve an active Congressman. It's a shame to have to point this out, but so many elected officials either drop out, never show up, or end up getting banned. As Kentucky's voice in Congress, I will stay engaged and represent you for the full term!

Now I understand that these are very high level opinions. If you have any specific questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment here or PM me directly. I'm always happy to provide detail where it's needed!

If you've read this entire article, thanks for sticking it out. Finally, I would like to officially ask for your vote on April 25th!