Blood in Congress

Day 1,487, 11:48 Published in USA USA by Dru Blood

This is a wake up call to America and especially the American Military Party, a call to stop acting like our best Friend the Headless Chicken. A call also goes out to the American expatriates living abroad to come home, come back and help America become a great country again. It is time we as citizens of this great country and as members of the AMP make some sacrifices and get all our marbles into one bag. The AMP has lost some of it’s drive to be the best, lost our focus on the Presidency; we simply locked our eyes on Congress where we matched the mighty USWP in seats. Where as a group of Congressmen we should be able to exert pressure on Congress to demand accountability of American Military Funding. Propose the relieving of our new and less active citizens of a 25% income tax and if not, exert pressure on Congress and the President to fund the Civilian Militia to help new citizens obtain the bazooka and energy bar daily. We all know that new citizens are not doing it by themselves and Pfeiffer -much like Don Vito Corleone- out of the kindness of his heart helps them, until one day he needs a favor. Many of our members such as Cleveland Fleman, Israel Stevens and Haliman have sacrificed and made great strides with the party, some others -myself included- have laid down on the job. So with this little diatribe I will make it official, I want to be your Congressman again next term. So I am officially asking my fellow AMP members to support me and nominate me again for Congress.

Henry ‘Pfeiffer’ Arundel and his United States Workers Party bring to mind the book ‘1984’ by Aldous Huxley and the ‘Ministry of Truth’, the only difference is Pfeiffer encourages non-communication between government and it’s citizens; that way the truth doesn’t have to be changed because no one knows the truth and once again has shown his contempt for other citizens through the voting issue just past. This Leader of the sock puppet horde cares only about his own personal aggrandizement, this Leader who does everything in his power to crush any willingness to bring the American Military together; a Leader who can not get over the butt-hurt while committing the same sins he accused others of committing. All the while maneuvering himself and his puppets into key positions, citizens who blindly follow their Leader like Lemmings over the cliff. Pfeiffer prefers leaders who are as uncommunicative as our last President, his motto is ‘A Silent Congress is the best Congress.’ He sought desperately to silence the Media; stopping the publication of the WHPR, DoD orders and the updating of the eUS National Broadcast System for American civilians, because they were stupid and to much work; I congratulate Federalist Party Member Oblige for bringing back open communications. Pfeiffer instead creates the eUS Civilian Military Group, then using a grateful President -GoalieBCSC- he manages to place a link to the unit in the New Citizen Message, and suddenly he has an automatic recruiter for a unit controlled by the President...not Congress, not the Speaker of the House or even a seasoned commander...the President; the last 4 out of 5 of whom were USWP members, Oblige being the only exception.

The ‘Space’ Marine

Henry ‘Pfeiffer’ Arundel , as USWP Party President -I hate to admit this but...- unfortunately is the only citizen who still has the ability to think outside the box and long into the future. Pfeiffer has managed the campaign of at least several Country Presidential candidates and through them controls the eUS Civilian Military Group, which is currently swapping between #2 and #3 with Easy Company and the eUS Military’s US Army. However, recently there has been a shake up on the command level of the USAF with both Stephen and Zack Goldsmith stepping down, elevating Hektor to Command of the Unites States Armed Forces. All three of these citizens have done an excellent job, the Goldsmiths in over all command and Hektor as my Regimental Captain and I wish them well; unfortunately I feel they have been used by someone they trusted and I only hope Hektor remains vigilant. Now Pfeiffer not only controls the political landscape he controls the third largest military unit in game and the Ultramarines; who I am sure gets the bulk of those who move on from the Civilian Military Group. Unfortunately, these moves and the political and military landscape have forced me to make an unpleasant decision to move from the USAF to the US Army. I just can not support someone who can not move on from the butt-hurt.

When I first found eRepublik almost two years ago I screamed ‘Eureka! Finally a ‘role playing social game.’...boy was I ever wrong. When I started playing this game their was a citizen by the name of Guis Julius (that spelling is wrong, but...) who as C-n-C of American forces and a guiding voice inside EDEN with his ‘Three Pillars Operation’, brought America and our allies to the brink of world freedom. A plan which -had we followed it to it’s logical conclusion- would have slammed the door into the Far East from Europe. What happened to such great citizens as Eugene Harlot who attacked without initiative and citizen Guis Julius who planned and executed such a war plan, how can you go wrong with such leaders. Where have the great world battles gone; the great Alliances that once spanned the globe. America will never become a world leader with a Leader who delights in his antisocial behaviour in a social game, the same Leader who -he himself admitted- blew his mind all over a command headquarters because he got frustrated with how they operated. I mean it is such hard work getting along with our allies and I guess it is just to much work for our Chancellor and Lord Protector of the Realm; President, United States Workers Party; Lieutenant General, United States Ultramarines; Director, Central Intelligence Agency; and former two term Speaker of the House.

You know I would swear I smell a Pizza....


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