Blocking is easy!!!

Day 945, 00:23 Published in South Africa South Africa by eSA Ministry of Security

I've asked MANY people over the last few days to sign up as blockers and quite a number are not even sure what a blocker is.

I'll try to give you a quick explanation:

A blocker is someone who signs up for congress in a region to ensure that a PTO'er cannot sign up there too, therefore you a blocker is looking after the safety and security of the country.

So, all you need to do is to send the Ministry of Security or mulderpf a PM (here's a link to say you are willing to run as a blocker. The Ministry will then send you two moving tickets and the name of a party and a region where you should place your candidacy. You then move there, place your candidacy and you can move back to Northern Cape immediately.

It's free, it costs you nothing to do and you help a lot towards the safety of our country!

Please consider signing up - in order to have a full house and ensure that we are 100% covered, we need 180 blockers - every extra person helps!!!

Click here to sign up now!

Best regards
Minister of Security