Blindside admins!

Day 605, 23:26 Published in USA USA by bayne420

Perhaps this is all to a voter turnout of PTO problems. Needless to say... this game is still in beta!!!

After the huge power that happens to cripple all neutral countries, PTO's could be made much more difficult to plan. With that, submit a ticket requesting an improvement for voting regulations.

1. Only those of maturity within that country can vote/join a party. Time frame for moving to any other country makes it start.

2. Upon reaching your destination, are not allowed to partake in the crutial fundaments until the clock ticks down (72 hours=3 resets, which ever comes first)

Instant PTO's are a plague that is overpowered to always suceeding! With this change in "game mechanics", loyalty to the country could be noted as not being a foriegner on the profile page.

Please reword this to force all who agree with this drastic change to demand it from the Admins. Why else would there be forfiet points if you want to submit a ticket??? xD