Blake for Rhode Island AND Ameriad Part II Info

Day 610, 13:52 Published in USA USA by Blake Chrysostom
(Above picture depicts me ready to kick some PEACE ___)

1. Why I'm running
2. Who I am
3. Platform
4. Ameriad Pt. II Info

Fellow eAmericans,
I know that we are in the midst of a great and terrible war. But I have said from the get-go that democratic competition was a key element in this game, and not one to be tossed aside at the first sign of enemy advance. I appreciate the hard work and concern of many of our political parties in trying to confront the issue of political take overs with seriousness.

However, I believe that the difficulties our country is facing is all the more reason for us to have political competition and honest political debate. We need new voices in Congress in a time of war, not stagnation.

Who I am
I am a four month player of eRepublik. I've been a Congressman in the past from the state of Kansas. I've held cabinet positions in the United Independents Party, I've helped run two businesses through my org, and I've been an Army officer. I feel that I have run the gamut a good deal in this game, and had a lot of experiences that would help me in Congress.

Platform for Rhode Island
Rhode Island is a small state, but it has a lot of heart. In RL history, it was one of our 13 original colonies, and in eRep it has served for some time as the host of some crucial training war games between the eUSA and Ireland.

I don't make outrageous campaign promises. So I can't promise a Q5 hospital for the people of Rhode Island or anything like that.

What I will do is this:
1. Strengthen the military in a time of urgent national need (no-brainer)
2. Encourage gov't openness and accountability: I served on the Government Oversight Committee in my first term in Congress, and was the author of the first Congressional Activity Reports published for you to see what Congress is up to. I will pursue more of this in the future.
3. Keep the debate going: in times of war, sometimes it is easy to drop democracy for awhile and run things a little more autocratically. Heck, rule by the few is always easier than rule by the many. So I will be an active voice in the eUS forums and not let us stagnate. We always need new ideas, new infusions of blood to jump-start our gov't.
4. Be multi-partisan and independent: I'm a member of the UIP, and I think that RL political ideologies are really non-existent in the realities of eRep politics. That being said, I think we have great eAmericans in every party. I will work with every single one of them, and loyalty to the USA will be my first loyalty, not a party.

Ameriad Part II Info:
I'm starting to work on the second part of my epic, the Ameriad, which many of you read and enjoyed. Heck, I enjoyed writing it!

But I want you to be a part of this new episode. Here are a few ways you can help me:
1. Comment on this article, and you will be mentioned in the second part of the epic.
2. If you write a little epic-sounding blurb about yourself in your comment, I will try to include that as well, if it's up to snuff.
3. I'm trying to figure out a name for the second part, so comment and tell me whether you prefer:
The Ameriad Pt. 2; The Harrisoniad; Harlots Saga; The Saga of the Americans; or any idea you have...