Black Thursday!?!?

Day 1,829, 22:55 Published in USA USA by stunkcuf
So the big word in my town is the whole Black Friday thing is now trickling into Thursday!

Wal-Mart is opening there doors @ 8pm Thursday to start off the whole black Friday thing! But It's Thursday???
I drove by my local wal-mart and the parking lot was full with people trying to find a parking spot when there was none.
I personally think that this move was a bad one. Why you might ask, Thanksgiving dinner and o crap everyone leaves so they can get those cheap items for x-mas.
I mean come on Leaving in middle of thanksgiving to go shopping instead of spending the holiday with family. Little mad about that one don't Think Mr.Sam would approve of this today!

But that's the world we live in, people and businesses do things that don't make sense!

Happy Holidays Everyone and don't forget to put in your two cents & subscribe!!!!!