Black Friday.

Day 206, 04:38 Published in Sweden Sweden by Media ltd

Today is it Friday the 13...
Asweel it´s the last day for me and my schoolclass...

So why don´t we say goodbye to something more, due of that i have a life and very small amount of time i can´t keep eSVT going...
Especially then the competion don´t mind spending the day thith Windows Movie Maker...
I want and need the life i have, it´s his choice to make whatever he want´s thith his.

If he broadcast every day i feel sad for him, i wont...
I have summerspring now.

So, if anybody wants to broadcast SVT thith base, so sure...
But only somebody from Sweden can broadcast swedish televison...

Ofcurse can i make a "Propaganda" movie thith voice and everything if you want.
But no news...

So godbye on Black Friday even if it should be not so cloudy...
And i hope you enjoy some danish no-life televison thith a dialect that makes my voice sound like God himselfs breath.

So, from Jönköping, Småland, Smålands huvudstad (Jonkoping, Smallcounty, Smallcountrys capital) im sad to say goodbye, and A.Holst...
It´s big pain in the ass to broadcast everyday