Birth of a Nation

Day 976, 11:42 Published in Sweden Sweden by Krushnow

It has been a year since my last article, when I took on the massive project of documenting eSweden's history. It appears as though I bit of more then I could chew, I never made it past the Second Swedish-German war.

As I awoke from my 12 month slumber I almost immediately regret it, my beautiful Norrland has been conquered by filthy norwegians, Lapporten is filled with caravans (husvagnar) which reek of cheap chocolate spread on even cheaper bread, several thousand Swedes lay dead on the streets from reckless driving by the akvavit drinking westerners. A same standing next to me cries a single same-tear only as native minorities can.

Like this, except the sames show their appreciation of nature by racing around in snow mobiles and murdering nearly extinct species. Yay?

This was certainly not the Sweden I remember.

That was yesterday, now I once again stand on Swedish soil. Yet the foul aftertaste of defeat still lingers in my palt-filled mouth. Only Jämtland and Härjedalen and Norrland are under Swedish rule, the rest is controlled by our oil drenched neighbours.

To this day eRepublik amazes with how much it mirrors real history. Some 500 years ago Sweden faced a situation almost hauntingly similar, the filthy Danes had conquered all but the most northern parts of Sweden and it rested upon their shoulders to recapture the nation. Per-Otto played the part of Gustav Trolle perfectly, selling out his country to foreign invaders. But who will be cast as Vasa?

Sure, Sweden seems to be dying but we've gotten out of situations like this before and reemerged stronger than ever! We will be victorious in the War for Freedom (Befrielsekriget)! Leve Sverige!