Biggest Alliance Flop/Fail?

Day 1,567, 14:14 Published in Russia USA by BattleSir12

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Biggest Alliance Flop/Fail?

Action has been brewing between Latvia and Lithuania.

Seeing them fight against each other puzzled me when I first saw it.

And guess what? They are in the same alliance!!!

That is pretty sad, at least for them.

Seeing Latgale under ownership of Lithuania and Samogitia under ownership of Latvia is crazy. Whether this is pure fighting or a trade, it gave each a different food resource(not helping them, at least not Lithuania but maybe Latvia), so whatever happened, those countries lost nothing but a bunch of gold and their alliance.(And by the way, to make it worse, Estonia is being captured by Finland, so all of the alliance is losing.)

So, you decide: Is the ABC (Alliance of Baltic Countries) alliance the biggest flop/fail?